Es ese el codigo que uso, y tome de prueba el codigo que tiene de ejemplo llamado "ConsoleDemo"
este se utiliza pegando la direccion del video de youtube pero lo crea en el mismo directorio raiz, si alguien lo ha usado que me pueda ayudar le estare muy agradecido.
Aqui el codigo que plantea
using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Tyrrrz.Extensions; using YoutubeExplode; using YoutubeExplode.Models.MediaStreams; namespace DemoConsole { public static class Program { /// <summary> /// If given a YouTube URL, parses video id from it. /// Otherwise returns the same string. /// </summary> private static string NormalizeId(string input) { if (!YoutubeClient.TryParseVideoId(input, out var id)) id = input; return id; } /// <summary> /// Turns file size in bytes into human-readable string /// </summary> private static string NormalizeFileSize(long fileSize) { string[] units = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB" }; double size = fileSize; var unit = 0; while (size >= 1024) { size /= 1024; ++unit; } return $"{size:0.#} {units[unit]}"; } private static async Task MainAsync() { // Client // Get the video ID Console.Write("YouTube URL: "); var id = Console.ReadLine(); id = NormalizeId(id); // Get the video info Console.WriteLine("Cargando..."); var video = await client.GetVideoAsync(id); Console.WriteLine('-'.Repeat(100)); // Print metadata Console.WriteLine($"Id: {video.Id} | Title: {video.Title} | Author: {video.Author}"); // Get media stream info set var streamInfoSet = await client.GetVideoMediaStreamInfosAsync(id); // Get the most preferable stream Console.WriteLine("Buscando la mejor calidad de video..."); var streamInfo = streamInfoSet.Muxed.WithHighestVideoQuality(); var normalizedFileSize = NormalizeFileSize(streamInfo.Size); Console.WriteLine($"Quality: {streamInfo.VideoQualityLabel} | Container: {streamInfo.Container} | Size: {normalizedFileSize}"); // Compose file name, based on metadata var fileExtension = streamInfo.Container.GetFileExtension(); var fileName = $"{video.Title}.{fileExtension}"; // Replace illegal characters in file name fileName = fileName.Replace(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars(), '_'); // Download video Console.WriteLine($"Descargando [{fileName}]..."); Console.WriteLine('-'.Repeat(100)); await client.DownloadMediaStreamAsync(streamInfo, fileName, progress); Console.WriteLine("Descarga completa!"); Console.ReadKey(); } public static void Main(string[] args) { // This demo prompts for video ID, gets video info and downloads one media stream // It's intended to be very simple and straight to the point // For a more complicated example - check out the WPF demo Console.Title = "Gestor de Descarga YouTube"; // Main method in consoles cannot be asynchronous so we run everything synchronously MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } } }