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By Elektro H@cker
PATHS es una aplicación por línea de comandos para administrar las entradas de la variable de entorno PATH y PATHEXT de Windows.
Tiene opciones para agregar y eliminar entradas así como limpiar, restaurar o crear una copia de seguridad del PATH y del PATHEXT.
La aplicación ha sido desarrollada usando VisualStudio 2012 en el lenguaje VB.NET y bajo Framework 4.0 por el uso de LINQ.
[+] Syntax:
[+] Switches:
/l (or) /list | Displays a list of the path entries.
/b (or) /backup | Backup the entries to a Registry file.
/c (or) /clean | Clean duplicates and invalid entries.
/r (or) /reset | Reset the paths to Windows default.
/add -current | Add an entry to the current user PATH.
/add -local | Add an entry to the local machine PATH.
/a (or) /add | Add an entry to both PATH's.
/del -current | Delete an entry from current user PATH.
/del -local | Delete an entry from local machine PATH.
/d (or) /del | Delete an entry from both PATH's.
/addext -current | Add an extension to current user PATHEXT.
/addext -local | Add an extension to local machine PATHEXT.
/addext | Add an extension to both PATHEXT's.
/delext -current | Delete an extension from current user PATHEXT.
/delext -local | Delete an extension from local machine PATHEXT.
/delext | Delete an extension from both PATHEXT's.
/? (or) /help | Display this help.
[+] Additional switch value's Syntax:
/del -current (Directory)
/del -current (Entry Index)
/del -local (Directory)
/del -local (Entry Index)
* You can see all the entry index numbers typing: PATHS /list
/addext -current (File-Extension)
/addext -local (File-Extension)
/delext -current (File-Extension)
/delext -local (File-Extension)
[+] Usage examples:
PATHS /list
PATHS /clean
PATHS /reset
PATHS /backup "C:\Registry File.reg"
(Saves all the PATH and PATHEXT entries to the destination file)
PATHS /add -current "C:\Directory"
(Adds a new entry "C:\Directory" to Current User PATH)
PATHS /add -local "C:\Directory"
(Adds a new entry "C:\Directory" to All Users PATH)
PATHS /add "C:\Directory"
(Adds a new entry "C:\Directory" to both PATH's)
PATHS /del -current "C:\Directory"
(Deletes entries matching as "C:\Directory" from Current User PATH)
PATHS /del -local "C:\Directory"
(Deletes entries matching as "C:\Directory" from All Users PATH)
PATHS /del "C:\Directory"
(Deletes entries matching as "C:\Directory" from both PATH's)
PATHS /del -current 5
(Deletes entry index 5 from Current User PATH)
PATHS /del -local 5
(Deletes the entry index 5 from All Users PATH)
PATHS /addext -current ".hack"
(Adds a new ".hack" extension to Current User PATHEXT)
PATHS /addext -local ".hack"
(Adds a new ".hack" extension to All Users PATHEXT)
PATHS /addext ".hack"
(Adds a new ".hack" extension to both PATHEXT's)
PATHS /delext -current ".hack"
(Deletes extensions matching as ".hack" from Current User PATHEXT)
PATHS /addext -local ".hack"
(Deletes extensions matching as ".hack" from All Users PATHEXT)
PATHS /addext ".hack"
(Deletes extensions matching as ".hack" from both PATHEXT's)[/quote]
(Resubido el 05-Marzo-2014)
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Aquí pueden ver o descargar una versión antigua y no tán completa que codeé hace bastante tiempo en Ruby: [RUBY] [APPORTE PARA WINDOWS] PATHS v0.3 - Una utilidad para el PATH