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Problema al encodear con el Megui en ultimo paso
« en: 14 Octubre 2011, 21:20 pm »

Hola Folker segui todos tus pasos pero al final me salio este tipo de error con el megui Process exits with error code: -1073741819 ese error me sale cuando inicia la 1era pasada del video. mi maquina es de 64 bits corei7 pero todos los componentes los tengo instalados en 32bits asi que no creo que sea por eso.

Aqui te dejo el error de mi log ojala me puedas ayudar

[Error] Log
-[Information] Versions
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:03:23 p.m.] MeGUI Version : 2050 (svn)
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:03:23 p.m.] OS : Windows Seven Premium Edition x64 (
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:03:23 p.m.] Latest .Net Framework installed : 4.0 (4.0.30319)
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:03:23 p.m.] Avisynth Version : (21/12/2008 09:46:54 p.m.)
-[Information] Update detection
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:03:23 p.m.] Connecting to server: http://megui.xvidvideo.ru/auto/stable/
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:03:24 p.m.] All files are up to date
-[Information] AutoEncode job generation log
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:11:55 p.m.] Desired Size : 91 MB
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:11:55 p.m.] Split Size : null
--[Information] Eliminating duplicate filenames
---[Information] [14/10/2011 02:11:55 p.m.] Video output file: C:\Users\Brayan\Downloads\Phantom\Phantom 01.264
---[Information] [14/10/2011 02:11:55 p.m.] Muxed output file: C:\Users\Brayan\Downloads\Phantom\Phantom 01-muxed.mp4
---[Information] [14/10/2011 02:11:55 p.m.] Encodable audio stream 0: C:\Users\Brayan\Downloads\Phantom\Audio_new.m4a
-[Information] Log for job1 (audio, Audio.m4a -> Audio_new.m4a)
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Started handling job
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Preprocessing
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] MediaInfo
---[Information] File: C:\Users\Brayan\Downloads\Phantom\Audio.m4a
---[Information] General
----[Information] Format: MPEG-4
----[Information] FormatString: MPEG-4
----[Information] FileSize: 23330180
----[Information] PlayTime: 00:24:10.068
---[Information] Audio
----[Information] ID: 2
----[Information] Format: AAC
----[Information] FormatProfile: HE-AAC / LC
----[Information] FormatSettingsSBR: Yes (Implicit)
----[Information] FormatSettingsPS: No (Explicit)
----[Information] SamplingRate: 48000 / 24000
----[Information] SamplingRateString: 48.0 KHz / 24.0 KHz
----[Information] Channels: 2
----[Information] ChannelsString: 2 channels
----[Information] ChannelPositionsString2: 2/0/0
----[Information] BitRateMode: VBR
----[Information] Delay:
----[Information] Title:
----[Information] Language:
----[Information] LanguageString:
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Trying to open the file with DirectShowSource()
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Successfully opened the file with DirectShowSource()
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Avisynth script
---[NoImage] DirectShowSource("C:\Users\Brayan\Downloads\Phantom\Audio.m4a")
---[NoImage] EnsureVBRMP3Sync()
---[NoImage] Normalize()
---[NoImage] return last
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Commandline used: -ignorelength -he -br 32000 -if - -of "{0}"
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Encoding started
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Avisynth script environment opened
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Script loaded
--[Information] Output Decoder
---[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Channels: 2
---[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Bits per sample: 16
---[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Sample rate: 48000
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Commandline: C:\Users\Brayan\Downloads\MeGUI_2050_x86\tools\neroaacenc\neroaacenc.exe -ignorelength -he -br 32000 -if - -of "C:\Users\Brayan\Downloads\Phantom\Audio_new.m4a"
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:12:04 p.m.] Encoder process started
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:00 p.m.] Output from encoder via stderr
---[NoImage] *************************************************************
---[NoImage] *                                                           *
---[NoImage] *  Nero AAC Encoder                                         *
---[NoImage] *  Copyright 2009 Nero AG                                   *
---[NoImage] *  All Rights Reserved Worldwide                            *
---[NoImage] *                                                           *
---[NoImage] *  Package build date: Feb 18 2010                          *
---[NoImage] *  Package version:                              *
---[NoImage] *                                                           *
---[NoImage] *  See -help for a complete list of available parameters.   *
---[NoImage] *                                                           *
---[NoImage] *************************************************************
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:00 p.m.] MediaInfo
---[Information] File: C:\Users\Brayan\Downloads\Phantom\Audio_new.m4a
---[Information] General
----[Information] Format: MPEG-4
----[Information] FormatString: MPEG-4
----[Information] FileSize: 5954206
----[Information] PlayTime: 00:24:10.197
---[Information] Audio
----[Information] ID: 1
----[Information] Format: AAC
----[Information] FormatProfile: HE-AAC / LC
----[Information] FormatSettingsSBR: Yes (Implicit)
----[Information] FormatSettingsPS: No (Explicit)
----[Information] SamplingRate: 48000 / 24000
----[Information] SamplingRateString: 48.0 KHz / 24.0 KHz
----[Information] Channels: 2
----[Information] ChannelsString: 2 channels
----[Information] ChannelPositionsString2: 2/0/0
----[Information] BitRateMode: VBR
----[Information] Delay:
----[Information] Title:
----[Information] Language:
----[Information] LanguageString:
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:00 p.m.] Postprocessing
---[Information] Deleting intermediate files
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:00 p.m.] Job completed
-[Error] Log for job2 (video, Phantom 01.avs -> )
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:00 p.m.] Started handling job
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:00 p.m.] Preprocessing
---[Information] Bitrate calculation for video
----[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:01 p.m.] Desired size after subtracting audio: 87016 KBs
----[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:01 p.m.] Calculated desired bitrate: 491 kbit/s
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:01 p.m.] Avisynth input script
---[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\avisynth_plugin\MPEG2Dec3.dll")
---[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\avisynth_plugin\Dup.dll")
---[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\avisynth_plugin\deblock.dll")
---[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\avisynth_plugin\FluxSmooth.dll")
---[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\megui\tools\avisynth_plugin\VSFilter.dll")
---[NoImage] DirectShowSource("C:\Users\Brayan\Downloads\Phantom\Phantom 01.mp4", fps=23.976, audio=false, convertfps=true)
---[NoImage] Deblock(quant=25,aOffset=2,bOffset=4)
---[NoImage] tweak(sat=1.00,cont=1.00)
---[NoImage] FluxSmoothST(7,7)
---[NoImage] Lumafilter()
---[NoImage] Dup(threshold=1,blend=true,maxcopies=8)
---[NoImage] ConvertToYV12()
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:01 p.m.] Job commandline: "C:\Users\Brayan\Downloads\MeGUI_2050_x86\tools\x264\x264.exe" --level 4.1 --tune animation --pass 1 --bitrate 491 --stats "C:\Users\Brayan\Downloads\Phantom\Phantom 01.stats" --b-adapt 2 --qpmin 10 --qpmax 51 --aq-strength 1.0 --me esa --nr 300 --partitions all --sar 1:1 --output NUL "C:\Users\Brayan\Downloads\Phantom\Phantom 01.avs"
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:01 p.m.] Encoding started
--[Error] [14/10/2011 02:13:20 p.m.] Process exits with error code: -1073741819
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:20 p.m.] Standard output stream
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:20 p.m.] Standard error stream
--[Information] [14/10/2011 02:13:20 p.m.] Job completed

« Última modificación: 14 Octubre 2011, 21:23 pm por batr22 » En línea

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