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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (2010) - CLONEDVD
« en: 8 Mayo 2010, 18:40 pm »

Release Date: April 27, 2010
MSRP: $49.99
Also on: X360, DS
Genre: Action
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal

The adventures of Sam Fisher continue in the fifth entry of the stealth-based series. In
this game, all of the rules have changed, as the storyline takes a dramatic turn that will
reinvent the Splinter Cell franchise forever. Fisher can no longer rely on his trusted bag
of tools and iconic goggles.An investigation into his daughter's death unwittingly leads
former agent Sam Fisher to discover he's been betrayed by his prior agency, the Third
Echelon. Now a renegade, Fisher finds himself in a race against time to thwart a deadly
terrorist plot that threatens millions.

Uniting revolutionary gameplay enhancements with a high-octane, no-holds-barred
storyline, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction arms you to the teeth with all the
high-tech weaponry and lethal skills of an elite operative and invites you to enter a
dangerous world where justice means making your own rules.

This version is CLONEDVD. No crack available yet!
The supplier has the original game.
A crack is need to play this game.


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