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Perfect World Entertainment se prepara para lanzar Rusty Hearts
« en: 14 Enero 2011, 22:54 pm »

Rusty Hearts es un MMORPG desarrollado por Stairway Games y publicado por Windysoft en Korea. PWI ha firmado para sumarlo a su catalogo de juegos y aparentemente lo mostrara en la E3 de este año.

Aparentemente es orientado a acción masiva al estilo Vindictus y por lo que se puede ver por los videos, implementado mediante instancias (sin mundo persistente).

No hay mucha información como requerimientos y demás, pero con el tiempo irán revelando mas detalles.


    FOSTER CITY, Calif. – January 12, 2011 Perfect World Entertainment Inc., a wholly owned US subsidiary of Perfect World Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: PWRD), announced today that it has signed a licensing agreement with WindySoft to operate “Rusty Hearts” in North America. “Rusty Hearts” is a visual action MORPG developed by Stairway Games, and WindySoft possesses the global publishing right.

    “Rusty Hearts,” with its advanced action features and game-play design, has received great attention of players and publishers from North America and Asia even before its closed beta testing. With this first overseas licensing agreement before its open beta testing in Korea, “Rusty Hearts” has shown its high potential in the global market. “Rusty Hearts” is scheduled to be introduced to North American players by Perfect World Entertainment at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2011 (“E3 2011″).

    “We are very glad to announce this licensing deal with Perfect World Entertainment, one of the most successful publishers based in North America, at the beginning of the New Year,” said Chil Hyun Baek, CEO for WindySoft. “Perfect World Entertainment has the solid know-how of the industry and the North American market, and we will be providing them the best support to successfully launch ‘Rusty Hearts’ to North American players.”

    “It’s our great pleasure working with WindySoft on the ‘Rusty Hearts’ title. As ‘Rusty Hearts’ is an action-based MORPG, which differs from our existing game portfolio in genre, we believe it will help us extend our market penetration while also bringing new and unique online gaming experiences to our players,” said Alan Chen, CEO for Perfect World Entertainment Inc. “We will work closely with WindySoft on the localization to provide our North American players another high quality game with excellent service.”

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Re: Perfect World Entertainment se prepara para lanzar Rusty Hearts
« Respuesta #1 en: 14 Enero 2011, 23:40 pm »

Tiene muy buena pinta el juego :)

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