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Autor Tema: He encontrado una pistola para la PS3  (Leído 3,214 veces)

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He encontrado una pistola para la PS3
« en: 22 Marzo 2011, 17:19 pm »

Estaba buscando una psitola para la ps3 pero me echaba para atrás el precio hasta que encontré este.

PS3 Move Pistol Light Gun for PS3 Light Gun Shooting Games (Black)


# Adopt PS Move technique.
# Realistic shaped design, lightweight and compact.
# Unlock the button of pistol and uncover the controller cover.
# Let you feel more realistic and excited while playing games.
# Insert PS3 Move controller (not included) into the pistol to use.
# Suitable for PS3 light gun shooting games

Creeis que está bien?


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