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Can linux run games for windows on a mac?
« en: 11 Mayo 2011, 09:27 am »

Can linux run games for windows on a mac?
I have an intel macbook and I wanted to install linux on a portable hard drive so I could play all my old windows games. Is it possible to do this? And if so how?

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Re: Can linux run games for windows on a mac?
« Respuesta #1 en: 11 Mayo 2011, 15:12 pm »

You can use PlayOnLinux, is a App for games, this app use wine like engine to running games, have a thousands of scripts to install many games.

You can select where you want to install this files. (like Pendrive, portal Hard Drive, or anywhere). And i think you can use the Windows hard drive and run the games there.

Good Luck.

P.D: sorry for my bad english, here we don't speak much english

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Experimental Serial Lain [Linux User]

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Re: Can linux run games for windows on a mac?
« Respuesta #2 en: 11 Mayo 2011, 18:52 pm »

Can linux run games for windows on a mac?
I have an intel macbook and I wanted to install linux on a portable hard drive so I could play all my old windows games. Is it possible to do this? And if so how?

Also have two more ways:

1. install virtualbox to virtualize windows

2. Install Linux and Wine.


PD: Mi ingles si es un asco xD
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