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Puedo usar dg foto art 5.2 en linux
« en: 2 Junio 2012, 15:47 pm »

Hola puedo copiar este programa en un ordenador con linux. en windons va bien.
estas son las caracteristcas del programa
(Al bajarmelo solo lo he descomprimido, no he instalado nada, ya funcionaba, eso en windons)


What's New in Dg Foto Art version 5.2?
This version comes with a ‘Smart Project Recovery’ Feature which automatically recovers a project file corrupted because of unforeseen events like power failure etc.

In the previous versions, unwanted grey lines at the two sides of the Exported page use to appear. This problem is now solved

Support for 32 bit PNG format is now available in this version.

During creation or loading thumbnail files in the gallery, the application use to crash. This problem is now solved.


Regular Features of Dg Foto Art

Easy to Use and Learn

Dg Foto Art offers an extremely User Friendly and well organized User Interface, keeping in mind your designing requirements.  The steps involved in designing a winning album page are as simple as selecting the proper template,using the right photos, choosing the right decor, applying the appropriate tools and exporting the page for printing.


Dg Foto Art is a Stand-Alone software for which you do not need any third party tool for designing album pages


Ready-to-Use Templates

Dg Foto Art offers you an exhaustive collection of more than 1000 ready-to-use templates of various page size and festive season for you to start working right away, thereby saving time and increasing your productivity


Customizable template page Size

You can customize your page size as per your requirement, and make albums, calendars, simple brochures and print sheets very fast. Alter the ready to use templates with your own design ideas, or create your own from scratch.  Re-use templates layouts with different photos.


Story Board

Dg Foto Art gives you a unique story board which displays thumbnail image of the template pages that you have created for a project,  this story board give you a clear idea about the templates design already used in the project and also helps maintaining the story line of the Album.


Dual Mode

Dg Foto Art give you an option of working on two adjacent pages simultaneously. This feature is very useful for giving finishing touches and to match the theme of the adjacent project pages especially when these pages are used in premium photo albums also giving you an idea about how the final album would look like.



You can use your scanned or digitally clicked photos into Dg Foto Art. With an easy drag and drop feature you can drag the photos from the gallery of thumbnails and drop it on your template pages. Dg Foto Art provides an indication to differentiate the used photos with the un-used in the current project.


Photo Editing

Dg Foto Art give you a range of onboard Photo editing tools like Blur, Softness, Opacity and Feather. You can perform color correction on the photos and apply preset tones including B&W and SEPIA to it on a click of a button. You can modify the preset tones and save the tones for later usage.


Photo Enhancement

Dg Foto Art provides a unique Image Edit tool which allows you to perform Image Enhancement and Lasso cutting on the photograph. The Image Enhancement tool allows you to enhance a certain portion of the photograph and make that portion stand out from the rest of the photo. The Lasso cutting tool can be used to knock off unwanted portions of a photo.


Resize / Crop / Rotate Photo

Dg Foto Art gives you an onboard option of resizing, cropping, rotating a photo to your custom size or angle respectively to suit your requirements… all this at the click of a mouse.



Replicate Object Properties

Dg Foto Art provides a unique feature in which you can replicate properties of an object over another object of the same type. These properties include applied masks, borders, tones and almost all the special effects applied on the photo or object with ease.



Dg Foto Art provides you a huge library of decors like Borders/ Frames, Masks, Clipart, Titles, etc. for giving a designer look to the album pages. Simply drag the appropriate décor from the gallery and drop it on photo. You can even import any décor of your choice and add it to the existing library for future usage.


Auto Resizing

Dg Foto Art has a unique feature that would automatically resize the selected template page to fit itself in the project page size defined by you without affecting the look and feel. Any Borders and Masks applied on photos get automatically resized in a similar way.


Ready Shapes

Dg Foto Art provides various ready to use shapes like rectangle, ellipse, rounded rectangle and lines to add creativity to your pages. You can further apply outline with colors and fill these shapes with color, texture or gradient. You can also apply opacity and shadow effects to these shapes to make your template pages more decorative.


Ready Titles & Rich Text Styling

Dg Foto Art offers you a pack of ready-to-use titles for use on different occasions and ceremonies. You can add texts and titles in any regional language on the album pages. You can place this text anywhere on your pages, enhance them by applying color, outline and shadow effects


Slide Show

Dg Foto Art provides a unique slide show generator which creates a self executable file containing slide show of the album pages created. The slide show helps you in getting your job approved without your physical presence, thus saving time and work efficiently.



Dg Foto Art allows you to simultaneously export multiple album pages as flat images in standard graphic formats like JPEG, TARGA, TIFF etc. to suit the requirements of your digital lab. It also allows you to customize the export DPI as per choice for sharing these flat images with friends and relatives via the internet.


Training CD

Dg Foto Art comes with easy to learn training CD. This simple and easy to understand
CD gives you a through knowledge about all the features of Dg Foto Art and its usage
for creating professional Album Pages.

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