tengo este problem los comandos estan bien pero no se porque pongo el output file como me pide pero no me lo detecta que puede ser?
joao@pc-casa:~$ dictconv -o /home/joao/Transferências/Babylon_English_French/Babylon_English_French.BGL /home/joao/Transferências/Babylon_English_French/Babylon_English_French.dic
You should specify a valid output file.
joao@pc-casa:~$ dictconv -o
dictconv: option requires an argument -- 'o'
Usage: dictconv [-hv] -o OUTPUT_FILE INPUT_FILE
Convert INPUT_FILE dictionary to OUTPUT_FILE dictionary.
The extension of file determines the dictionary type.
-o OUTPUT_FILE path to target dictionary
INPUT_FILE path to source dictionary
-h print help message and exit
-? print help message and exit
-v shows the version information and exit
INPUT_FILE can be:
Babylon Glossary (.bgl)
Freedict dictionary (.tei)
Sdictionary dictionary (.dct)
StarDict dictionary (.ifo)
DICT dictionary (.index)
PlainText dictionary (.dic)
StarDict dictionary (.ifo)
joao@pc-casa:~$ dictconv -o /home/joao/Transferências/Babylon_English_French/Babylon_English_French.BGL /home/joao/Transferências/Babylon_English_French/Babylon_English_French(.dic)
bash: erro de sintaxe próximo do `token' não esperado `('
joao@pc-casa:~$ dictconv -o /home/joao/Transferências/Babylon_English_French/Babylon_English_French.BGL /home/joao/Transferências/Babylon_English_French/Babylon_English_French.ifo
You should specify a valid output file.
joao@pc-casa:~$ dictconv -o /home/joao/Transferências/Babylon_English_French/Babylon_English_French.BGL /home/joao/Transferências/Babylon_English_French/Babylon_English_French.dic
You should specify a valid output file.