Nosotros estamos usando la "TeamSpeak 3 Non-Profit License" (NPL) para poder tener hasta 512 slots (usuarios conectados) y permite hasta 10 servidores virtuales
Los requerimientos son varios, a parte de tener que ser un servidor gratuito:
WARNING: Our Non-Profit License (NPL) Policies have changed!
Our new requirements include the following:
You MUST have a verifiable, operational website on a custom domain
(eg - ''). You MUST have an email address associated with your custom domain
(eg - '' -- personal email addresses as well as free email services such as gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc, are no longer valid).
You MUST provide a static IP address on which you intend to run your NPL-licensed server.
If an NPL has already been issued on the IP address you supply, your application will be denied. You MUST host your NPL-licensed server on a unique IP address.
When we verify your website, it CANNOT have any donation buttons or advertising of any kind.
De momento tiene bastante éxito, hasta 150 usuarios conectados por las noches y creo que es el 4-5 servidor más usado en España: Servidor Team Speak 3 gratis lo que comentas de tener 2 servidores teamspeak en un único servidor si es posible hacerlo, basta con arrancar uno sólo y crear un servidor virtual, que sería lo mismo que tener dos a la vez funcionando:
login serveradmin password
error id=0 msg=ok
servercreate virtualserver_name=My\sSecond\sServer virtualserver_port=1337 virtualserver_maxclients=128
sid=2 virtualserver_port=1337 token=ddqCmka21sXaE+0zjnFHFQsqMJ832Boc6SSdECXe
error id=0 msg=ok