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Encontrado bug en linux, como proceder?
« en: 6 Septiembre 2016, 14:31 pm »

Estaba intentando formatear un usb, con fdisk desde caine 7.0, basado en linux, y tras trastear me a aparecido lo siguiente, que he encontrado un bug:

Me sale cuando borrar particiones, cual borrar, la 1- -1., no entiendo, si pulso 1 no hace nada, si pulso -1 da el error creo que es, me pasa con todos los discos y memorias.

 1: fdisk() [0x404101]
You found a bug in GNU Fdisk.

Sabeis algo de esto, o envio el bug, no se de esto.

El texto completo:

Expert command (m for help): m                                           
Command action
   b   move beginning of data in a partition
c   change number of cylinders
   e   list extended partitions

f   fix partition order
   g   create an IRIX (SGI) partition table
h   change number of heads
   m   print this menu
   p   print the partition table
q   quit without saving changes
r   return to the main menu
s   change number of sectors/track
v   verify the partition table
w   write table to disk and exit

Expert command (m for help):b 
Partition number (1--1): 1                                               

Error: Partition doesn't exist.

Expert command (m for help): b                                         

Partition number (1--1): -1                                               

New beginning of data: 1 

Backtrace has 11 calls on stack:
 11: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libparted.so.0(ped_assert+0x31) [0x7ff4b92694b1]
 10: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libparted.so.0(+0x127ae) [0x7ff4b926c7ae]
 9: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libparted.so.0(ped_disk_set_partition_geom+0x157) [0x7ff4b926f7b7]
 8: fdisk() [0x40be5b]
 7: fdisk() [0x405142]
 6: fdisk() [0x40f30e]

 5: fdisk() [0x4058dd]
 4: fdisk() [0x40f576]
 3: fdisk() [0x408180]
 2: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf5) [0x7ff4b8a47f45]
 1: fdisk() [0x404101]
You found a bug in GNU Fdisk.

This may have been fixed in the last version of GNU Parted that you can find at:


Please check this version prior to bug reporting.

If this has not been fixed yet or if you don't know how to check, please email:

or (preferably) file a bug report at:


Your report should contain the version of this release (1.2.5) along with the
error message below, the output of
 parted DEVICE unit co print unit s print
and additional information about your setup you consider important.

Assertion (part->num != -1) at ../../libparted/disk.c:917 in function
_partition_align() failed.

Muchas gracias por vuestra atencion.

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