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Autor Tema: LulzSec y el FBI (discusión)  (Leído 2,232 veces)

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LulzSec y el FBI (discusión)
« en: 7 Junio 2011, 12:48 pm »

Pensaba que LulzSec era un grupo de jóvenes que estaban solamente jugando a joder a Sony, pero he estado viendo otros leaks que han hecho y uno de ellos es bastante bestia.
Dear Internets,

It has come to our unfortunate attention that NATO and our good friend Barrack
Osama-Llama 24th-century Obama have recently upped the stakes with regard to hacking.
They now treat hacking as an act of war. So, we just hacked an FBI affiliated website
(Infragard, specifically the Atlanta chapter) and leaked its user base. We also took
complete control over the site and defaced it, check it out if it's still up: http://infragardatlanta.org/

While not very many logins (around 180), we'd like to take the time to point out that all
of them are affiliated with the FBI in some way. Most of them reuse their passwords in other places,
which is heavily frowned upon in the FBI/Infragard handbook and generally everywhere else too.

One of them, Karim Hijazi, used his Infragard password for his personal gmail, and the gmail of
the company he owns. "Unveillance", a whitehat company that specializes in data breaches and botnets,
was compromised because of Karim's incompetence. We stole all of his personal emails and his company
emails. We also briefly took over, among other things, their servers and their botnet control panel.

After doing so, we contacted Karim and told him what we did. After a few discussions, he offered to
pay us to eliminate his competitors through illegal hacking means in return for our silence. Karim,
a member of an FBI-related website, was willing to give us money and inside info in order to destroy
his opponents in the whitehat world. We even discussed plans for him to give us insider botnet information.

Naturally we were just stringing him along to further expose the corruption of whitehats.
Please find enclosed Karim's full contact details and a log of him talking to us through IRC.
Also, enjoy 924 of his internal company emails - we have his personal gmail too, unreleased.

We call upon journalists and other writers to delve through the emails carefully, as we have
uncovered an operation orchestrated by Unveillance and others to control and assess Libyan
cyberspace through malicious means: the U.S. government is funding the CSFI to attack Libya's
cyber infrastructure. You will find the emails of all 23 people involved in the emails.

Unveillance was also involved in a scheme where they paid an Indian registrar $2000 to
receive 100 domains a month that may be deemed as botnet C&Cs. Shameful ploys by supposed "whitehats".

Lulz Security

He tenido ocasión de ver algunos de los mails y se puede leer como los del FBI tan campantes van pidiendo que los whitehat tomen el control de distintos puntos vitales el Libya como los sistemas de las petroleras. ( http://pastebin.com/Jf406RVs )

Sabéis algo más del tema o algún blog/site que lo esté redactando de forma cronlógica y demás? Me gustaría saber más sobre lo que están publicando (no voy a descargar 700mb de mails).

Qué os parece lo que la casa blanca planea?
« Última modificación: 7 Junio 2011, 13:13 pm por Servia » En línea


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Re: LulzSec y el FBI (discusión)
« Respuesta #1 en: 7 Junio 2011, 13:08 pm »

Te sobra un paréntesis en el enlace al pastebin.

PD: si luego me acuerdo, lo leo más a fondo.

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Re: LulzSec y el FBI (discusión)
« Respuesta #2 en: 7 Junio 2011, 13:13 pm »

Te sobra un paréntesis en el enlace al pastebin.

PD: si luego me acuerdo, lo leo más a fondo.

SMF que lo autoengancha :S

Ty! Como mínimo por responder.
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