[SwatEquipment.M4Super90SG] ;RoundBasedWeapon configuration MagazineSize=5000 ;FiredWeapon configuration PlayerAmmoOption=SwatAmmo.M4Super90SGAmmo PlayerAmmoOption=SwatAmmo.M4Super90SGSabotAmmo ;00 buck ammo description. In SWATammo.u ;00 buck has been a law enforcement standard issue for shotguns for many years. These rounds contain 9 buckshot pellets all 00 gauge in diameter. The pellets spread out after being fired and can inflict massive damage to unarmored targets. It is less effective against armored targets because the pellets round shape and low speed doesn't allow for penetration. ;Sabot round description. In SWATammo.u ;This 12 gauge specialty round is specifically designed for armor penetration. It is a fin stabilized slug housing a steel penetrator button. Although relatively inaccurate, it allows for the shotgun to be quite effective against armored targets. EnemyUsesAmmo=(AmmoClass="SwatAmmo.M4Super90SGAmmo",Chance=100) Range=4000 MuzzleVelocity=20384 OverrideArmDamageModifier=1.0 ;HandheldEquipment configuration FirstPersonModelClass=class'SwatEquipmentModels.M4Super90_FirstPerson' ThirdPersonModelClass=class'SwatEquipmentModels.M4Super90_ThirdPerson' Description="The Benelli M4 Super90 tactical shotgun is a highly reliable 12 gauge shotgun that has proven itself time and again in the field. This model features an auto loader allowing for semi-automatic firing of its five round magazine. This powerful weapon is capable of dealing extreme damage quickly and in a reliable spread. It only has two drawbacks. The first is that its bulk can make it difficult to handle in close quarters situations. The second is its small magazine size." FriendlyName="M4 Super90"