I need to write a Finite State Machine (FSM) in VHDL code and want to have several computations being processed at the same time (a standard pipeline). In every state I have several operations to be calculated and I employ registers for the result of each one. I strongly need to reuse these registers, for example: Register 1 is filled in State 1 (as a result of a multiplication) and it is used in the State 2 and State 3 (as parameter of other operations), then in the State 4, I want to save a new operation result (another multiplication) in Register 1 reusing it.
My code works in Simulation in Xilinx Vivado 2019, but when I implement the desing in a real FPGA (Basys 3 Artix-7) it doesn't work. I realized that the problem is that the correct values are not saved when I reuse the registers. Sometimes, the first time I reuse them, they keep the correct value, but already in the second reuse in later FSM states, the stored values are not correct, I mean, they do not correspond to the result of the operation that I am trying to save in the register.
Next, an example of my FSM design:
LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; USE IEEE.numeric_std.ALL; ENTITY test1_arith IS GENERIC ( ap_bit_width : positive := 4; ap_latency : positive := 2 ); PORT ( I1 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ap_bit_width - 1 downto 0); I2 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ap_bit_width - 1 downto 0); I3 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ap_bit_width - 1 downto 0); O1 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ap_bit_width - 1 downto 0); ap_clk : IN STD_LOGIC; ap_rst : IN STD_LOGIC; ap_start : IN STD_LOGIC; ap_done : OUT STD_LOGIC; ap_idle : OUT STD_LOGIC; ap_ready : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END; ARCHITECTURE test1_arith_arch OF test1_arith IS ATTRIBUTE CORE_GENERATION_INFO : STRING; ATTRIBUTE CORE_GENERATION_INFO OF test1_arith_arch : ARCHITECTURE IS "Test,VHDLbyMOEA,{HLS_SYN_LAT=2}"; CONSTANT ap_const_logic_1 : STD_LOGIC := '1'; CONSTANT ap_const_logic_0 : STD_LOGIC := '0'; TYPE state IS (state_1,state_2,state_3); SIGNAL state_present: state; SIGNAL state_future: state; SIGNAL Flag: Integer:=0; --Signal RF : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR_array; FUNCTION ALU ( Op: IN integer range 0 TO 23; A, B: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ap_bit_width - 1 downto 0) ) RETURN std_logic_vector is variable Result : std_logic_vector(ap_bit_width - 1 downto 0); variable A_int: Integer:=0; variable B_int: Integer:=0; variable Result_int: Integer:=0; begin A_int := to_integer(unsigned(A)); B_int := to_integer(unsigned(B)); With Op Select Result_int:= to_integer(unsigned(NOT A)) When 0, to_integer(unsigned(A AND B)) When 1, to_integer(unsigned(A OR B)) When 2, to_integer(unsigned(A NAND B)) When 3, to_integer(unsigned(A NOR B)) When 4, to_integer(unsigned(A XOR B)) When 5, to_integer(unsigned(A XNOR B)) When 6, (A_int + B_int) When 7, (A_int - B_int) When 8, (A_int * B_int) When 9, (A_int / B_int) When 10, ABS(A_int) When 11, (A_int ** B_int) When 12, (A_int MOD B_int) When 13, to_integer(unsigned(A) & unsigned(B)) When 14, to_integer(unsigned(A) SLL B_int) When 15, to_integer(unsigned(A) SRL B_int) When 16, to_integer(unsigned(A) SLA B_int) When 17, to_integer(unsigned(A) SRA B_int) When 18, to_integer(unsigned(A) ROL B_int) When 19, to_integer(unsigned(A) ROR B_int) When 20, to_integer(unsigned(A) & unsigned(B)) When 21, to_integer(unsigned(A) & unsigned(B)) When 22, 0 When others; return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (TO_UNSIGNED (Result_int, (ap_bit_width))); END FUNCTION; SHARED VARIABLE R1:std_logic_vector(ap_bit_width - 1 downto 0); BEGIN OP_FSM : PROCESS (state_present) BEGIN CASE state_present IS WHEN state_1=> R1 := ALU(Op => 7 ,A => I1,B => I2); Flag<=1; IF (Flag=1) THEN state_future <= state_2; END IF; WHEN state_2=> R1:= ALU(Op => 7 ,A => R1, B => I3); Flag<=2; IF (Flag=2) THEN state_future <= state_3; END IF; WHEN state_3=> O1<= ALU(Op => 7 ,A => R1,B => "0001"); Flag<=3; IF (Flag=3) THEN state_future <= state_1; END IF; END CASE; END PROCESS OP_FSM; CLK_FSM : PROCESS (ap_clk) BEGIN IF (ap_clk = '1' AND ap_clk'EVENT) THEN state_present <= state_future; END IF; END PROCESS CLK_FSM; END test1_arith_arch;
In this case, I want to reuse R1 and it works well in Simulation with Xilinx Vivado (1 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 6).
Unfortunately, in the Basys 3 FPGA Artix-7 I don't get the correct results. In the Case 10 in a FPGA, it should get 6 (1 + 4 + 0 + 1) as result, but it gets 14 instead.
In the tests that I have been doing I realized that it works better when before assigning a new value in the registry the value of the record is made zero before reassigning a value, for example:
WHEN state_3=> R4<="0000" IF( R4 = "0000") then R4<= ALU(Op => 7 ,A=> R2,B=> R3, C =>"0000"); Flag <=3; IF (Flag =3) THEN state_future <= state_4; END IF; END IF;
Using this form I can reuse a register once, the second time I want to reassign a value to the register, incorrect values are shown in the output.
I declarated the registers as SHARED VARIABLE and SIGNALS and I have the same problem with both.
I appreciate any suggestion or idea, thanks a lot.