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|-+  Seguridad Informática
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| | |-+  Criptografía (Moderador: kub0x)
| | | |-+  3D Crypt ByRoda [LIBRE]
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Autor Tema: 3D Crypt ByRoda [LIBRE]  (Leído 2,645 veces)

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3D Crypt ByRoda [LIBRE]
« en: 31 Mayo 2015, 04:53 am »

Les dejo este Crypt que tenia en el Baul

Date and Time: 5/31/2015 02:49:17 UTC
File Name: XtremeRat 3.7.exe
File Size: 117.18 KB
MD5: e00ed229d1d97248fbf9bdd76d9ed278
SHA1: 12797e62d2e8c3e43bb7d438356c6ad0cf4d89a0
Detection: 1 of 35 (3%)

AVG Free - Clean!
Avast - Clean!
AntiVir (Avira) - TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen
BitDefender - Clean!
Clam Antivirus - Clean!
COMODO Internet Security - Clean!
Dr.Web - Clean!
eTrust-Vet - Clean!
F-PROT Antivirus - Clean!
F-Secure Internet Security - Clean!
G Data - Clean!
IKARUS Security - Clean!
Kaspersky Antivirus - Clean!
McAfee - Clean!
MS Security Essentials - Clean!
ESET NOD32 - Clean!
Norman - Clean!
Norton Antivirus - Clean!
Panda Security - Clean!
A-Squared - Clean!
Quick Heal Antivirus - Clean!
Solo Antivirus - Clean!
Sophos - Clean!
Trend Micro Internet Security - Clean!
VBA32 Antivirus - Clean!
Zoner AntiVirus - Clean!
Ad-Aware - Clean!
BullGuard - Clean!
FortiClient - Clean!
K7 Ultimate - Clean!
NANO Antivirus - Clean!
Panda CommandLine - Clean!
SUPERAntiSpyware - Clean!
Twister Antivirus - Clean!
VIPRE - Clean!

Date and Time: 5/31/2015 02:50:18 UTC
File Name: SpyNet.exe
File Size: 564.68 KB
MD5: b700704635f2be020034f7374562a121
SHA1: b6ebe40b4a6e46192377dcbf977287a9d346b160
Detection: 1 of 35 (3%)

AVG Free - Clean!
Avast - Clean!
AntiVir (Avira) - TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen
BitDefender - Clean!
Clam Antivirus - Clean!
COMODO Internet Security - Clean!
Dr.Web - Clean!
eTrust-Vet - Clean!
F-PROT Antivirus - Clean!
F-Secure Internet Security - Clean!
G Data - Clean!
IKARUS Security - Clean!
Kaspersky Antivirus - Clean!
McAfee - Clean!
MS Security Essentials - Clean!
ESET NOD32 - Clean!
Norman - Clean!
Norton Antivirus - Clean!
Panda Security - Clean!
A-Squared - Clean!
Quick Heal Antivirus - Clean!
Solo Antivirus - Clean!
Sophos - Clean!
Trend Micro Internet Security - Clean!
VBA32 Antivirus - Clean!
Zoner AntiVirus - Clean!
Ad-Aware - Clean!
BullGuard - Clean!
FortiClient - Clean!
K7 Ultimate - Clean!
NANO Antivirus - Clean!
Panda CommandLine - Clean!
SUPERAntiSpyware - Clean!
Twister Antivirus - Clean!
VIPRE - Clean!


Hasta la Proxima!

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