Resulta que llevo 3 dias descargándome el Assasin Creed II para pc desde
Ayer se me descargó. Antes de nada instalé avira premium (que el ordenador es nuevo y estoy instalandole cosillas) y el Daemon Tools de softonic.
Cargo la iso y me pongo a hacer básicamente lo que pone en el readme.exe:
1. Unpack release
2. Mount image or burn it
3. Install
4. Run the v1.01 update exe from UPDATE folder on the DVD or
let the game auto update by itself
5. Copy the content from the SKIDROW folder on the DVD to
these locations and overwrite. 32 bit is for both XP, Vista
and Win7 editions. 64 bit for Vista and Win7 locations.
32 bit version:
C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\ folder
64 bit version:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\ folder
6. Play the game
Special Notes:
Thank you Ubisoft, this was quiete a challenge for us, but
nothing stops the leading force from doing what we do. Next
time focus on the game and not on the DRM. It was probably
horrible for all legit users. We just make their lifes easier.
Special greetz to our friends in GENESIS, you guys are amongst
the very few who still manage to do this with the scene spirit
intact. Well done guys!
Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!
1. Unpack release
2. Mount image or burn it
3. Install
4. Run the v1.01 update exe from UPDATE folder on the DVD or
let the game auto update by itself
5. Copy the content from the SKIDROW folder on the DVD to
these locations and overwrite. 32 bit is for both XP, Vista
and Win7 editions. 64 bit for Vista and Win7 locations.
32 bit version:
C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\ folder
64 bit version:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\ folder
6. Play the game
Special Notes:
Thank you Ubisoft, this was quiete a challenge for us, but
nothing stops the leading force from doing what we do. Next
time focus on the game and not on the DRM. It was probably
horrible for all legit users. We just make their lifes easier.
Special greetz to our friends in GENESIS, you guys are amongst
the very few who still manage to do this with the scene spirit
intact. Well done guys!
Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!
Todo bien hasta que llego al quinto paso, pues al entrar a la carpeta "SKIDROW" del cd me salta avira diciendo que el archivo "ubiorbitapi_r2.dll" tiene un troyano. Aquí os subo el archivo:
Parece ser que sin ese archivo copiado a mi disco duro el juego no va a ir. ¿Qué hago? ¿Hay alguna forma de desinfectar el archivo sin perderlo?
Nota: Tengo un Acer Aspire 5742G con windows 7 64 bits
PD: si quereis lo subo a otros uploaders