¡¡Ahora lo que se lleva es cCollectionEx.cls!!

¿A qué has adivinado que hace?
Add(ByRef Item As Variant, Optional ByVal Index As Long)

Sirve para comprbar si un Item ya esta contenido dentro de nuestra cCollectionEx, tambien puedes empezar a buscarlo desde un Index especifico.
Contains(ByRef Item As Variant, Optional ByVal StartIndex As Long = 1)
Devuelve la cantidad de Items almacenados.
Indica el contenido de in Item en concreto a partir de su Index.
Item(ByVal Index As Long)
Borra un Item determinado a partir de el Index ingresado.
DeleteItem(ByVal Index As Long)
Intercambia dos Items.
SwapItem(ByVal ActualIndex As Long, ByVal DestinationIndex As Long)

Ordena la cCollectionEx alfanumericamente y ademas puedes indicar el orden [descendente/ascendente].
Sorted(Optional ByVal Order As EnuListOrder = DecendentOrder) ' by BlackZeroX
Invierte la posicion del contenido de cCollectionEx.
Borra el contenido de cCollectionEx.
Aquí la clase:
Option Explicit Option Base 1 '===================================================================== ' º Class : cCollectionEx.cls ' º Author : Psyke1 ' º Mail : vbpsyke1@mixmail.com ' º Date : 17/8/10 ' º Last modified : 01/06/12 ' º Purpose : Replace and improve the vb6 Collection Object ' º Greets : BlackZer0x & xkiz ' º Sorted by BlackZer0x : ' http://bit.ly/M5zCKw ' º Recommended Websites : ' http://foro.h-sec.org/ ' http://www.frogcheat.com.ar/ ' http://infrangelux.sytes.net/ '===================================================================== Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "ntdll.dll" (ByVal pDest As Long, ByVal pSrc As Long, ByVal lBytes As Long) Public Enum EnuListOrder AcendetOrder = 0 DecendentOrder = 1 End Enum Private vColl() As Variant Private lCount As Long Private lLimit As Long Private ReverseMode As Boolean '// Inizialice the matrix. Private Sub Class_Initialize() lLimit = &H400 ReDim vColl(lLimit) End Sub '// It returns the number of items contained in the matrix. Public Property Get Count() As Long Count = lCount End Property '// It returns an specific item form there index. Public Property Get Item(ByVal Index As Long) As Variant If ReverseMode Then FixIndex Index Item = vColl(Index) End Property '// It returns the index of an item if exists in the matrix. Public Function Contains(ByRef Item As Variant, Optional ByVal StartIndex As Long = 1) As Long Dim Q As Long If (StartIndex < lCount) And (StartIndex > 0) Then For Q = StartIndex To lCount If vColl(Q) = Item Then If ReverseMode Then Contains = lCount + 1 - Q Else Contains = Q End If Exit Function End If Next End If End Function '// Add a new item to the cCollection, if you specify the index so you can add in a particular position. Public Function Add(ByRef Item As Variant, Optional ByVal Index As Long) As Long If IsObject(Item) = False Then If ReverseMode Then FixIndex Index lCount = lCount + 1 If lCount > lLimit Then lLimit = lLimit + lLimit ReDim Preserve vColl(lLimit) End If If Index > 0 And Index <= lCount Then RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(vColl(Index + 1)), VarPtr(vColl(Index)), (lCount - Index) * 16& Add = Index Else Add = lCount End If vColl(Add) = Item End If End Function '// Delete an specific item from its index. Public Function DeleteItem(ByVal Index As Long) As Long If (Index > 0) And (Index <= lCount) Then If ReverseMode Then FixIndex Index If (Index < lCount) Then RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(vColl(Index)), VarPtr(vColl(Index + 1)), (lCount - Index) * 16& End If If (lCount - 1) > 0 Then lCount = lCount - 1 Else Clear End If DeleteItem = Index End If End Function '// Swaps the contents of two items entering its index. Public Function SwapItem(ByVal FirstIndex As Long, ByVal DestIndex As Long) As Long Dim vSwap As Variant If (FirstIndex <= lCount And FirstIndex > 0) And (DestIndex <= lCount And DestIndex > 0) And (FirstIndex <> DestIndex) Then If ReverseMode Then FixIndex FirstIndex FixIndex DestinationIndex End If vSwap = vColl(FirstIndex) vColl(FirstIndex) = vColl(DestIndex) vColl(DestIndex) = vSwap SwapItem = DestIndex End If End Function '// Reverse all Items. Public Sub Reverse() ReverseMode = Not ReverseMode End Sub '// Deletes all items. Public Sub Clear() Erase vColl lCount = 0& End Sub '// To simplify code, it's to reverse the index. Private Sub FixIndex(ByRef lIndex As Long) lIndex = lCount + 1 - lIndex End Sub '// Sort items alphanumerically and you can specify the order too [desdendent or ascendent]. Public Sub Sorted(Optional ByVal Order As EnuListOrder = DecendentOrder) If (Not (vColl)) = -1 Then Exit Sub Call QSort(1, lCount, Order) End Sub Private Sub QSort(ByVal lb As Long, ByVal ub As Long, Optional ByVal Order As EnuListOrder = DecendentOrder) Dim k As Long If lb < ub Then Call PreSort(lb, ub, k, Order) Call QSort(lb, k - 1, Order) Call QSort(k + 1, ub, Order) End If End Sub Private Sub PreSort(ByVal lb As Long, ByVal ub As Long, ByRef k As Long, Optional ByVal Order As EnuListOrder = DecendentOrder) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim il As Long Dim jl As Long il = 0: jl = -1 i = lb: j = ub While i < j If Order = DecendentOrder Then If IsNumeric(vColl(i)) And IsNumeric(vColl(j)) Then If Val(vColl(i)) > Val(vColl(j)) Then Call AuxOrden(i, j, il, jl) Else If vColl(i) > vColl(j) Then Call AuxOrden(i, j, il, jl) End If Else If IsNumeric(vColl(i)) And IsNumeric(vColl(j)) Then If Val(vColl(i)) < Val(vColl(j)) Then Call AuxOrden(i, j, il, jl) Else If vColl(i) < vColl(j) Then Call AuxOrden(i, j, il, jl) End If End If i = i + il j = j + jl Wend k = i End Sub Private Sub AuxOrden(ByVal i As Long, ByVal j As Long, ByVal il As Long, ByVal jl As Long) Dim c As String Dim c2 As Long c = vColl(j) vColl(j) = vColl(i) vColl(i) = c c2 = il il = -jl jl = -c2 End Sub
¿No crees que sea más rapido?

Pon esto en un form, añade la clase y compílalo:
Option Explicit Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "Kernel32" () As Long ' Con Collection Public Function Check_Lucky_Number(ByVal lNumber As Long) As Boolean Dim cTemp As New Collection Dim NextElim As Long Dim m As Long Dim x As Long If lNumber = 1 Or lNumber = 3 Then GoTo IsLucky ElseIf (lNumber > 1) And (lNumber Mod 2 <> 0) Then With cTemp For x = 1 To lNumber Step 2 .Add x Next NextElim = 3: m = 2 Do x = NextElim Do While x <= .Count .Remove (x) x = x + (NextElim - 1) Loop If .Item(.Count) = lNumber Then m = m + 1 NextElim = .Item(m) Else Exit Function End If Loop While Not NextElim > .Count End With IsLucky: Check_Lucky_Number = True End If End Function ' Con cCollectionEx Public Function Check_Lucky_Number2(ByVal lNumber As Long) As Boolean Dim cTemp As New cCollectionEx Dim NextElim As Long Dim m As Long Dim x As Long If lNumber = 1 Or lNumber = 3 Then GoTo IsLucky ElseIf (lNumber > 1) And (lNumber Mod 2 <> 0) Then With cTemp For x = 1 To lNumber Step 2 .Add x Next NextElim = 3: m = 2 Do x = NextElim Do While x <= .Count Call .DeleteItem(x) x = x + (NextElim - 1) Loop If .Item(.Count) = lNumber Then m = m + 1 NextElim = .Item(m) Else Exit Function End If Loop While Not NextElim > .Count End With IsLucky: Check_Lucky_Number2 = True End If End Function Private Sub Form_Load() Dim T1 As Long Dim T2 As Long Dim x As Long Dim sResult As String If App.LogMode = 0 Then MsgBox "Prueba con proyecto compilado¡!", vbCritical End End If T1 = GetTickCount For x = 5000 To 7000 If Check_Lucky_Number(x) Then sResult = sResult & x & " " End If Next T2 = GetTickCount MsgBox "With Collection -> " & (T2 - T1) MsgBox sResult '************************************************************************* sResult = "" '************************************************************************* T1 = GetTickCount For x = 5000 To 7000 If Check_Lucky_Number2(x) Then sResult = sResult & x & " " End If Next T2 = GetTickCount MsgBox "With cCollectionEx -> " & (T2 - T1) MsgBox sResult End Sub
La diferencia suele oscilar entre los 2500/3000 ms

EDIT: He mejorado la clase, ahora será bastante mayor.