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Re: ASM, arquitecturas y procesadores compatibles
« Respuesta #20 en: 3 Diciembre 2011, 21:14 pm »

Fijate de conseguir http://www.amazon.com/Essentials-Computer-Organization-Architecture/dp/0763737690

Si queres saber mas sobre arquitecturas de computadoras ( Es introductorio, pero vale la pena leerlo ).

The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture

ISBN-10: 076370444X
ISBN-13: 978-0763704445

Book Description
Covers all the core topics, such as digital logic, data representation, machine-level language, general organization, and much more.

Book Info
Provides a textbook that incorporates all of the necessary organization and architecture topics, yet concise enough to allow the material to be covered in one semester. Allows students to tie the hardware knowledge covered in this book to the concepts learned in their introductory programming classes.

Password: books_for_all


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Re: ASM, arquitecturas y procesadores compatibles
« Respuesta #21 en: 3 Diciembre 2011, 23:24 pm »

muy buen aporte!

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