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1  Programación / Ingeniería Inversa / Hwid tie up of emulator en: 2 Mayo 2021, 09:28 am
Hi, friend
Im looking forward to make my wibu emulator as hwid tied up. But the sources of wibu are plain and creates universal emu.  Is there a solution for making a hwid tied up emu so it can be used as trial emu. If u have one, please do share
2  Programación / Ingeniería Inversa / Sentinel dongle emulation problem en: 8 Octubre 2019, 07:54 am
Hi Friend
I dumped a sentinel dongle by few dumpers and converted to regfile using the tool ssp to mk. (git tool)
Now i dont have access to dongle anymore

Used multikey and MKbus emulator but the sw didnt work.
seems to be somethimh wrong.
can someone please check.

enclosed in the link is the
(dontknow know to insert trace data in registry)


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