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1  Sistemas Operativos / GNU/Linux / PROBLEMA CON KALI 2019 en: 30 Mayo 2019, 04:43 am
Que tal comunidad, he tenido un problema con Kali y no he encontrado la solución a dicho problema, he estado indagando al respecto y nada, bien mi problematica es la siguiente instalo Kali desde una maquina virtual VirtualBox para ser mas preciso pero a la hora de arrancar Kali el grub me sale todo FAILED y no arranca nada

[FAILED] failed to listen on Syslog SOcket.
[DEPEND]Dependency failed for System Loggin Service
[FAILED]Failed to start Local File Systems (Pre)
[FAILED]Failed to start Local File Systems
[FAILED]Failed to start create Volatile Files and Directories
[FAILED]Failed to start Entropy da on usingthe HAVEGE algorithm
[FAILED]Failed to start Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown
[FAILED]Failed to start System Time Synchronized
[FAILED]Failed to start Enable sup-nal executable binary formats
[FAILED]Failed to start Set Console font and Keymap
[FAILED]Failed to start system-getty.slice
[  ***] A start job is running for /dev/disc2903275db25 (1min 27s / 1min 30s)

Si alguien pudiera dar solucion a este problema estoy como loco tratando de resolverlo

Saludos ::) ::) ::)
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