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1  Media / Juegos y Consolas / ArcEMU y WhyDB, error, ayuda (World of Warcraft server) en: 25 Octubre 2008, 17:14 pm
Los errores que me da al abrir el ArcEmu-world.exe son:

SQL query failed due to [sort aborted], Query:  [SELECT * from objectloot ORDER BY entyid ASC]
SQL query failed due to [sort aborted], Query:  [SELECT * from skinningloot ORDER BY entyid ASC]
SQL query failed due to [sort aborted], Query:  [SELECT * from fishingloot ORDER BY entyid ASC]
SQL query failed due to [sort aborted], Query:  [SELECT * from itemloot ORDER BY entyid ASC]
SQL query failed due to [sort aborted], Query:  [SELECT * from disenchantingloot ORDER BY entyid ASC]
SQL query failed due to [sort aborted], Query:  [SELECT * from pickpocketingloot ORDER BY entyid ASC]

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