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1  Programación / PHP / Ayuda con encadenar en PHP (Method Chaining) en: 19 Junio 2015, 06:29 am
Tengo un problema que me está matando la cabeza...

Estoy intentando hacer un sistema de validación con encadenación (method chaining) en PHP para mi framework en PHP

Lo que quiero hacer es lo siguiente (revisar comentarios en PHP):

  1. $nombre = $objeto->Forms->Campo("nombre")->Validar(); //Validar si "nombre" está vacío o no. Si está vacío se agrega a un array dedicado a los campos vacios. Tiene que devolver el valor del campo nombre
  2. $apellido = $objeto->Forms->Campo("apellido"); //Este no hace falta validar si está vacío o no, así que no hace falta Validar(); Este es el que me da problema. No sé como se hace para que no se necesite pasar ->Validar(); Tiene que devolver el valor de campo apellido
  3. $email = $objeto->Forms->Campo("email")->ValidarEmail(); //Lo mismo pero para validar Email();. Tiene que devolver el valor de email
  4. echo $nombre . " " . $apellido . " " . $email;

Practicamente lo que quiero hacer es esto
  1. $objecto
  2. $objecto->a();
  3. $objecto->a()->b();
  4. $objecto->a()->c();

2  Programación / PHP / Clase de auto keywords, acentos. en: 20 Julio 2011, 21:03 pm
Tengo la siguiente clase: http://www.phpclasses.org/package/3245-PHP-Automatically-suggest-keywords-from-content-text.html

  1. <?php
  2. class autokeyword {
  4. //declare variables
  5. //the site contents
  6. var $contents;
  7. var $encoding;
  8. //the generated keywords
  9. var $keywords;
  10. //minimum word length for inclusion into the single word
  11. //metakeys
  12. var $wordLengthMin;
  13. var $wordOccuredMin;
  14. //minimum word length for inclusion into the 2 word
  15. //phrase metakeys
  16. var $word2WordPhraseLengthMin;
  17. var $phrase2WordLengthMinOccur;
  18. //minimum word length for inclusion into the 3 word
  19. //phrase metakeys
  20. var $word3WordPhraseLengthMin;
  21. //minimum phrase length for inclusion into the 2 word
  22. //phrase metakeys
  23. var $phrase2WordLengthMin;
  24. var $phrase3WordLengthMinOccur;
  25. //minimum phrase length for inclusion into the 3 word
  26. //phrase metakeys
  27. var $phrase3WordLengthMin;
  29. function autokeyword($params, $encoding)
  30. {
  32. //get parameters
  33. $this->encoding = $encoding;
  36. $this->contents = $this->replace_chars($params['content']);
  38. // single word
  39. $this->wordLengthMin = $params['min_word_length'];
  40. $this->wordOccuredMin = $params['min_word_occur'];
  42. // 2 word phrase
  43. $this->word2WordPhraseLengthMin = $params['min_2words_length'];
  44. $this->phrase2WordLengthMin = $params['min_2words_phrase_length'];
  45. $this->phrase2WordLengthMinOccur = $params['min_2words_phrase_occur'];
  47. // 3 word phrase
  48. $this->word3WordPhraseLengthMin = $params['min_3words_length'];
  49. $this->phrase3WordLengthMin = $params['min_3words_phrase_length'];
  50. $this->phrase3WordLengthMinOccur = $params['min_3words_phrase_occur'];
  52. //parse single, two words and three words
  54. }
  56. function get_keywords()
  57. {
  58. $keywords = $this->parse_words().$this->parse_2words().$this->parse_3words();
  59. return substr($keywords, 0, -2);
  60. }
  62. //turn the site contents into an array
  63. //then replace common html tags.
  64. function replace_chars($content)
  65. {
  66. //convert all characters to lower case
  67. $content = mb_strtolower($content);
  68. //$content = mb_strtolower($content, "UTF-8");
  69. $content = strip_tags($content);
  71. $punctuations = array(',', ')', '(', '.', "'", '"',
  72. '<', '>', '!', '?', '&ldquo;', '&rdquo;', '/', '-',
  73. '_', '[', ']', ':', ';', '+', '=', '#',
  74. '$', '&quot;', '&copy;', '039;', 'nbsp;', 'nbsp',
  75. '&aacute;', '&eacute;', '&bull;', 'bull;', 'aacute', 'eacute', 'uacute', 'ntilde', 'Ntilde', 'oacute', 'iacute', '&iacute;',
  76. '&oacute;', '&uacute', '&nbsp;', '&iquest;', '&hellip;', 'hellip', '&iexcl;', 'iexcl;', 'iquest;', 'iquest', 'iexcl', 'nbsp;', '&ntilde', 'mdash;', '&mdash;', 'mdash', '&mdash', 'ldquo;', '&ldquo;', 'ldquo', '&ldquo', 'rdquo;', '&rdquo;', 'rdquo', '&rdquo', '&Ntilde', '&039;', '&', '&gt;', '&lt;',
  77. chr(10), chr(13), chr(9));
  79. $content = str_replace($punctuations, " ", $content);
  80. // replace multiple gaps
  81. $content = preg_replace('/ {2,}/si', " ", $content);
  83. return $content;
  84. }
  86. //single words META KEYWORDS
  87. function parse_words()
  88. {
  89. //list of commonly used words
  90. // this can be edited to suit your needs
  91. $common = array("m&aacute;s", "039;m");
  92. //create an array out of the site contents
  93. $s = split(" ", $this->contents);
  94. //initialize array
  95. $k = array();
  96. //iterate inside the array
  97. foreach( $s as $key=>$val ) {
  98. //delete single or two letter words and
  99. //Add it to the list if the word is not
  100. //contained in the common words list.
  101. if(mb_strlen(trim($val)) >= $this->wordLengthMin  && !in_array(trim($val), $common)  && !is_numeric(trim($val))) {
  102. $k[] = trim($val);
  103. }
  104. }
  105. //count the words
  106. //sort the words from
  107. //highest count to the
  108. //lowest.
  109. $occur_filtered = $this->occure_filter($k, $this->wordOccuredMin);
  110. arsort($occur_filtered);
  112. $imploded = $this->implode(", ", $occur_filtered);
  113. //release unused variables
  114. unset($k);
  115. unset($s);
  117. return $imploded;
  118. }
  119. function parse_2words()
  120. {
  121. //create an array out of the site contents
  122. $x = split(" ", $this->contents);
  123. //initilize array
  125. //$y = array();
  126. for ($i=0; $i < count($x)-1; $i++) {
  127. //delete phrases lesser than 5 characters
  128. if( (mb_strlen(trim($x[$i])) >= $this->word2WordPhraseLengthMin ) && (mb_strlen(trim($x[$i+1])) >= $this->word2WordPhraseLengthMin) )
  129. {
  130. $y[] = trim($x[$i])." ".trim($x[$i+1]);
  131. }
  132. }
  134. //count the 2 word phrases
  135. $y = @array_count_values($y);
  137. $occur_filtered = $this->occure_filter($y, $this->phrase2WordLengthMinOccur);
  138. //sort the words from highest count to the lowest.
  139. arsort($occur_filtered);
  141. $imploded = $this->implode(", ", $occur_filtered);
  142. //release unused variables
  143. unset($y);
  144. unset($x);
  146. return $imploded;
  147. }
  149. function parse_3words()
  150. {
  151. //create an array out of the site contents
  152. $a = split(" ", $this->contents);
  153. //initilize array
  154. $b = array();
  156. for ($i=0; $i < count($a)-2; $i++) {
  157. //delete phrases lesser than 5 characters
  158. if( (mb_strlen(trim($a[$i])) >= $this->word3WordPhraseLengthMin) && (mb_strlen(trim($a[$i+1])) > $this->word3WordPhraseLengthMin) && (mb_strlen(trim($a[$i+2])) > $this->word3WordPhraseLengthMin) && (mb_strlen(trim($a[$i]).trim($a[$i+1]).trim($a[$i+2])) > $this->phrase3WordLengthMin) )
  159. {
  160. $b[] = trim($a[$i])." ".trim($a[$i+1])." ".trim($a[$i+2]);
  161. }
  162. }
  164. //count the 3 word phrases
  165. //sort the words from
  166. //highest count to the
  167. //lowest.
  168. $occur_filtered = $this->occure_filter($b, $this->phrase3WordLengthMinOccur);
  169. arsort($occur_filtered);
  171. $imploded = $this->implode(", ", $occur_filtered);
  172. //release unused variables
  173. unset($a);
  174. unset($b);
  176. return $imploded;
  177. }
  179. function occure_filter($array_count_values, $min_occur)
  180. {
  181. $occur_filtered = array();
  182. foreach ($array_count_values as $word => $occured) {
  183. if ($occured >= $min_occur) {
  184. $occur_filtered[$word] = $occured;
  185. }
  186. }
  188. return $occur_filtered;
  189. }
  191. function implode($gule, $array)
  192. {
  193. $c = "";
  194. foreach($array as $key=>$val) {
  195. @$c .= $key.$gule;
  196. }
  197. return $c;
  198. }
  199. }
  200. ?>

Lo que hace la clase es buscar palabras repetidas y mostrarlas
Tengo el siguiente texto
"La convocatoria de reuni&oacute;n es una notificaci&oacute;n. Reuni&oacute;n. Reuni&oacute;n. Reuni&oacute;n"
Deberia marcarme Reuni&oacute;n, pero lo que me marca es solamente reuni y se corta.

Alguien sabe a que se debe el problema, o como lo podria arreglar?

La palabra es reuni&oacute;n y no reunión solo

3  Media / Juegos y Consolas / Encuesta: Mejor MMORPG? en: 14 Septiembre 2004, 07:49 am
Pues eso...

Pa mi, sin duda Ragnarok Online

Aver que dicen ustedes  :P
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