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Tema destacado: Security Series.XSS. [Cross Site Scripting]

  Resumen - It@c|-|i Imagen/Texto
Nombre: It@c|-|i
Mensajes: 2 (0,000 por día)
Fecha de registro: 31 Marzo 2007, 12:05 pm
Última vez activo: 22 Marzo 2010, 19:31 pm

Email: oculto
Estado actual: Desconectado Desconectado

Sexo: Masculino
Ubicación: walking around
Hora Local: 22 Febrero 2025, 20:04 pm

Heuristic Rules:
* If you are having difficulty understanding a problem, try drawing a picture.
* If you can't find a solution, try assuming that you have a solution and seeing what you can derive from that ("working backward").
* If the problem is abstract, try examining a concrete example.
* Try solving a more general problem first (the "inventor's paradox": the more ambitious plan may have

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