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1  Programación / PHP / Programador para sitio warez en: 28 Julio 2016, 07:56 am
Muy buenas, hoy vengo en la búsqueda de un programador que me ayude en la creación de un sitio warez, yo tengo todas las dieas, necesio alguien que con su habilidad pueda plasmarla en la web, la verdad por el pago ahorita no podría, pero redirigiré grandes cantidades a la web una vez este hecho y conjunto con adbooth ganaremos cientos de dolares al mes, y eso es bastante, además podríamos vender el theme.

Avísenme si alguien está interesado.
2  Programación / PHP / Alguien me ayuda? en: 25 Octubre 2015, 16:14 pm
Muy buenas, quisiera que alguien me ayudase con esto, quisiera modificar los datos de un tabla, pero los códigos que uso no hacen nada, si alguien fuera tan amable, acá os paso el archivo conexion y el function.

  1. <?php
  2. ###################################################
  3. // SQL Config
  4. ###################################################
  5. $info = array (
  6. 'hostname' => 'localhost', // Host
  7. 'username' => 'root', // User
  8. 'password' => '', // Password
  9. 'database' => 'apk', // Database Name
  10. 'path' => '', // URL
  11. 'path_images' => 'http://localhost/styles/beta', // URL of Styles And Images
  12. 'path_hk' => 'http://localhost/housekeeping',
  13. 'badges_image' => 'http://habboo-a.akamaihd.net/c_images/album1584/',
  14. 'name' => 'xd', // Hotel Name
  15. 'Me_Ad' => 'xd', // Text me
  16. 'footer' => 'xd'
  17. );
  18. ###################################################
  19. // SQL Connect
  20. ###################################################
  21. mysql_connect ($info['hostname'], $info['username'], $info['password']) or die(mysql_error());
  22. mysql_select_db($info['database']) or die(mysql_error());
  23. mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
  24. ###################################################
  25. ini_set('display_errors', 0);
  26. require_once 'functions.php';
  27. $function=new functions();
  28. ###################################################
  29. // Usuarios Online
  30. ###################################################
  31. $ons = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM server_status"));
  32. ###################################################
  33. // Definiciones
  34. ###################################################
  35. $H = date('H');
  36. $i = date('i');
  37. $s = date('s');
  38. $m = date('m');
  39. $d = date('d');
  40. $Y = date('Y');
  41. $j = date('j');
  42. $n = date('n');
  43. $today = $d;
  44. $month = $m;
  45. $year = $Y;
  46. $getmoney_date = date('d.m.Y',mktime($m,$d,$Y));
  47. $birthday_date = date('d.m', mktime($m,$d));
  48. $date_normal = date('d.m.Y',mktime($m,$d,$Y));
  49. $date_full = date('d.m.Y H:i:s',mktime($H,$i,$s,$m,$d,$Y));
  50. define("KrCMS", TRUE);
  51. define("PATH", $info['path']);
  52. define("PATH_I", $info['path_images']);
  53. define("PATH_HK", $info['path_hk']);
  54. define("AvatarI", "http://www.habbo.nl/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?figure=");
  55. define("Name", $info['name']);
  56. define("BETA", TRUE);
  57. define('CHARSET','UTF-8');
  58. define('UsersOnline', $ons['users_online']);
  59. ###################################################
  60. header('Content-type: text/html; charset='.CHARSET);
  61. ###################################################
  62. if($html == true){
  63. if(isset($_POST) || isset($_GET) || isset($_REQUEST) || isset($_COOKIE)){
  64. foreach($_POST as $key => $p){
  65. $_POST[$key] = htmlentities($function->filternews($p));
  66. $_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($function->filternews($p));
  67. $_POST[$key] = $function->filternews(html_entity_decode($p));
  68. }
  69. //Filtro las entradas vía GET
  70. foreach($_GET as $key => $g){
  71. $_GET[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($function->filternews($g));
  72. }
  73. foreach($_COOKIE as $key => $s){
  74. $_COOKIE[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($function->filternews($s));
  75. }
  76. //Filtro las entradas vía REQUEST
  77. foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $k){
  78. $_REQUEST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($function->filternews($k));
  79. }
  80. }if(isset($_GET)){
  81. //Filtro las entradas vía GET
  82. foreach($_GET as $key => $f){
  83. $_GET[$key] = strip_tags(htmlentities($function->filternews($f)));
  84. }
  85. }
  86. }else{
  87. if(isset($_POST) || isset($_GET) || isset($_REQUEST) || isset($_COOKIE)){
  88. foreach($_POST as $key => $p){
  89. $_POST[$key] = htmlentities($function->filter($p));
  90. $_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($function->filter($p));
  91. $_POST[$key] = $function->filter(html_entity_decode($p));
  92. }
  93. //Filtro las entradas vía GET
  94. foreach($_GET as $key => $g){
  95. $_GET[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($function->filter($g));
  96. }
  97. foreach($_COOKIE as $key => $s){
  98. $_COOKIE[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($function->filter($s));
  99. }
  100. //Filtro las entradas vía REQUEST
  101. foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $k){
  102. $_REQUEST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($function->filter($k));
  103. }
  104. }if(isset($_GET)){
  105. //Filtro las entradas vía GET
  106. foreach($_GET as $key => $f){
  107. $_GET[$key] = strip_tags(htmlentities($function->filter($f)));
  108. }
  109. }
  110. }
  112. if($function->checkLogin($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['password'])){
  113. $u = $function->filter($_SESSION['username']);
  114. //$a = mysql_query("SELECT username, motto, password, look, id, last_online, online, rank, credits FROM users WHERE username = '{$u}' LIMIT 1");
  115. $a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '{$u}' LIMIT 1");
  116. $myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($a);
  117. if($function->CheckBanned($_SESSION['username'], $function->GetIP())){
  118. $error = $_SESSION['BAN_LOGIN_ERROR'];
  119. $_SESSION['W_LOGIN_ERROR'] = $error;
  120. $bu = $_SESSION['username'];
  121. unset($_SESSION['BAN_LOGIN_ERROR']);
  122. unset($_SESSION['username']);
  123. unset($_SESSION['password']);
  125. header("LOCATION: ". PATH ."/?username=". $bu ."&rememberme=false&focus=login-username");
  126. }
  127. if($myrow['rank'] > '5'){
  128. mysql_query("INSERT INTO private_logs (id,user,time,description,ip) VALUES (NULL,'{$myrow['username']}','{$date_full}','En el archivo: {$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']} con rango: {$myrow['rank']}','{$function->GetIP()}')");
  129. }
  130. }else{
  131. $myrow['username'] = "Guest";
  132. }
  133. ###################################################
  134. ?>

  1. <?php
  2. // Funciones
  3. ###################################################
  4. class functions {
  5. public function HoloHash($password){
  6. $password = sha1(md5($password));
  7. $password = hash('gost', $password);
  8. $password = hash('whirlpool', $password);
  9. $password = hash('sha512', $password);
  10. return $password;
  11. }
  12. public function filter($texto) {
  13. $texto = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($texto));
  14. $texto = trim($texto); // Eliminamos espacios en blanco o caracteres al principio y final del post
  15. $texto = htmlspecialchars($texto); // funciona casi igual que htmlentities
  16. $texto = str_replace("INSERT","IN-SER-T",$texto);  // Remplazamos palabras que podrian ser usadas para alterar la BD
  17. $texto = str_replace("DELETE","DE-LE-TE",$texto);
  18. $texto = str_replace("TRUNCATE","TRUN-CA-TE",$texto);
  19. $texto = str_replace("SELECT","SE-LEC-T",$texto);
  20. $texto = str_replace("ALTER","AL-TER",$texto);
  21. $texto = str_replace("UPDATE","UP-DA-TE",$texto);
  22. $texto = str_replace("inert","IN-SER-T",$texto);  // Remplazamos palabras que podrian ser usadas para alterar la BD
  23. $texto = str_replace("delete","DE-LE-TE",$texto);
  24. $texto = str_replace("truncate","TRUN-CA-TE",$texto);
  25. $texto = str_replace("select","SE-LEC-T",$texto);
  26. $texto = str_replace("alter","AL-TER",$texto);
  27. $texto = str_replace("update","UP-DA-TE",$texto);
  28. $texto = str_replace("script","",$texto);
  29. $texto = str_replace("SCRIPT","",$texto);
  30. $texto = str_replace('"','&#38;#34;',$texto);
  31. $texto = str_replace("'","&#38;#39;",$texto);
  32. $texto = str_replace("<","&#38;#60;",$texto);
  33. $texto = str_replace(">","&#38;#62;",$texto);
  34. $texto = str_replace("(","",$texto);
  35. $texto = str_replace(")","",$texto);
  36. return $texto;
  37. }
  38. public function filternews($texto) {
  39. $texto = trim($texto); // Eliminamos espacios en blanco o caracteres al principio y final del post
  40. $texto = str_replace("INSERT","IN-SER-T",$texto);  // Remplazamos palabras que podrian ser usadas para alterar la BD
  41. $texto = str_replace("DELETE","DE-LE-TE",$texto);
  42. $texto = str_replace("TRUNCATE","TRUN-CA-TE",$texto);
  43. $texto = str_replace("SELECT","SE-LEC-T",$texto);
  44. $texto = str_replace("ALTER","AL-TER",$texto);
  45. $texto = str_replace("UPDATE","UP-DA-TE",$texto);
  46. $texto = str_replace("inert","IN-SER-T",$texto);  // Remplazamos palabras que podrian ser usadas para alterar la BD
  47. $texto = str_replace("delete","DE-LE-TE",$texto);
  48. $texto = str_replace("truncate","TRUN-CA-TE",$texto);
  49. $texto = str_replace("select","SE-LEC-T",$texto);
  50. $texto = str_replace("alter","AL-TER",$texto);
  51. $texto = str_replace("update","UP-DA-TE",$texto);
  52. $texto = str_replace("script","",$texto);
  53. $texto = str_replace("SCRIPT","",$texto);
  54. $texto = str_replace('"','',$texto);
  55. $texto = str_replace("'","",$texto);
  56. return $texto;
  57. }
  58. function GetIP() {
  59. if($_SERVER) {
  61. $realip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
  62. } elseif ($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]) {
  63. $realip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"];
  64. } else {
  65. $realip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
  66. }
  67. } else {
  68. if(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")) {
  69. $realip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");
  70. } elseif(getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP")) {
  71. $realip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");
  72. } else {
  73. $realip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
  74. }
  75. }
  76. return $realip;
  77. }
  78. public function GenerateTicket(){
  79. $data = "ST-";
  80. for ($i=1; $i<=6; $i++){
  81. $data = $data . rand(0,9);
  82. }
  83. $data = $data . "-";
  84. for ($i=1; $i<=20; $i++){
  85. $data = $data . rand(0,9);
  86. }
  87. $data = $data . "-habbo-beta-fe";
  88. $data = $data . rand(0,5);
  89. return $data;
  90. }
  91. public function checkLogin($u, $p){
  92. $u = $this->filter($u);
  93. $p = $this->filter($p);
  94. $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '{$u}' AND password = '{$p}' OR mail = '{$u}' AND password = '{$p}' LIMIT 1");
  95. if(mysql_num_rows($check) > 0) return true; return false;
  97. }
  98. public function userExist($u){
  99. $u = $this->filter($u);
  100. $g = mysql_query("SELECT null FROM users WHERE username = '{$u}' OR mail = '{$u}' LIMIT 1");
  101. if(mysql_num_rows($g) > 0) return true; return false;
  102. }
  103. public function AddUser($u, $p, $m, $b){
  104. $user = $this->filter($u);
  105. $pass = $this->filter($p);
  106. $mail = $this->filter($m);
  107. $birth = $this->filter($b);
  108. $credits = "900000";
  109. $rank = "1";
  110. $look = "hr-893-42.hd-180-1.ch-225-64.lg-280-64.sh-300-64.ha-1002-64.ea-1404-62.ca-1802";
  111. $motto = "Hola, soy un usuario nuevo!";
  113. mysql_query("INSERT INTO users(`id`, `username`, `password`, `mail`, `credits`, `rank`, `ip_reg`, `ip_last`, `look`, `account_created`, `gender`, `motto`, `birth`, `auth_ticket`)
  114. VALUES(NULL, '{$user}', '{$pass}', '{$mail}', '{$credits}', '{$rank}', '".$this->GetIP()."', '".$this->GetIP()."', '{$look}', '". time() ."', 'M', '{$motto}', '{$birth}', '" .$this->GenerateTicket()."')");
  115. $userd = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '{$user}'");
  116. $userd = mysql_fetch_assoc($userd);
  117. mysql_query("INSERT INTO `user_info` (user_id,reg_timestamp) VALUES ('".$userd['id']."','".time()."')");
  118. //mysql_query("INSERT INTO `user_stats` (id) VALUES ('".$userd['id']."')");
  119. $_SESSION['username'] = $user;
  120. $_SESSION['password'] = $pass;
  121. }
  122. function CheckBanned($u, $ip){
  123. $H = date('H');
  124. $i = date('i');
  125. $s = date('s');
  126. $m = date('m');
  127. $d = date('d');
  128. $Y = date('Y');
  129. $j = date('j');
  130. $n = date('n');
  131. $today = $d;
  132. $month = $m;
  133. $year = $Y;
  134. $u = $this->filter($u);
  135. $ip = $this->filter($ip);
  136. $checkban = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE value = '{$u}' or value = '{$ip}' LIMIT 1");
  137. if(mysql_num_rows($checkban) < 1){ return false;} else {
  138. $bandata = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkban);
  139. $reason = $bandata['reason'];
  140. $expire = $bandata['expire'];
  141. $xbits = explode(" ", $expire);
  142. $xtime = explode(":", $xbits[1]);
  143. $xdate = explode("-", $xbits[0]);
  144. $stamp_now = mktime(date('H'),date('i'),date('s'),$today,$month,$year);
  145. $datetoex = date("d-m-y",$expire);
  146. if($stamp_now < $expire){
  147. $login_error = "Has sido banedo por esta razón: \"".$reason."\". Tu baneo expira el: ".$datetoex.".";
  148. $_SESSION['BAN_LOGIN_ERROR'] = $login_error;
  149. return $login_error;
  150. } else {
  151. mysql_query("DELETE FROM bans WHERE value = '{$u}' OR value = '{$ip}' LIMIT 1");
  152. return false;
  153. }
  154. }
  155. }
  156. public function session($s){
  157. if($s == "no" && $this->checkLogin($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['password'])){
  158. header("LOCATION: ". PATH ."../dashboard");
  159. }elseif($s == "yes" && $this->checkLogin($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['password']) == false){
  160. header("LOCATION: ". PATH ."/index.php");
  161. }
  162. }
  163. public function hk_access(){
  164. $user = $this->filter($_SESSION['username']);
  165. $pass = $this->filter($_SESSION['password']);
  166. $r = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT rank FROM users WHERE username = '{$user}' AND password = '{$pass}' LIMIT 1"));
  167. if($r['rank'] >= "5"){}else{header("LOCATION: ". PATH ."dashboard");}
  169. }
  171. public function GetLast($a){
  172. $a = $this->filter($a);
  173. if(!empty($a) || !$a == ''){
  174. if(is_numeric($a)){
  175. $date = $a;
  176. $date_now = time();
  177. $difference = $date_now - $date;
  178. if($difference <= '59'){ $echo = 'Justo Ahora'; }
  179. elseif($difference <= '3599' && $difference >= '60'){
  180. $minutos = date('i', $difference);
  181. if($minutos[0] == 0) { $minutos = $minutos[1]; }
  182. if($minutos == 1) { $minutos_str = 'minuto'; }
  183. else { $minutos_str = 'minutos'; }
  184. $echo = 'Hace '.$minutos.' '.$minutos_str;//Minutos
  185. }elseif($difference <= '82799' && $difference >= '3600'){
  186. $horas = date('G', $difference);
  187. if($horas == 1) { $horas_str = 'hora'; }
  188. else { $horas_str = 'horas'; }
  189. $echo = 'Hace '.$horas.' '.$horas_str;//Minutos
  190. }elseif($difference <= '518399' && $difference >= '82800'){
  191. $dias = date('j', $difference);
  192. if($dias == 1) { $dias_str = 'd&iacute;a'; }
  193. else { $dias_str = 'd&iacute;as'; }
  194. $echo = 'Hace '.$dias.' '.$dias_str;//Minutos
  195. }elseif($difference <= '2678399' && $difference >= '518400'){
  196. $semana = floor(date('j', $difference) / 7).'<!-- WTF -->';
  197. if($semana == 1) { $semana_str = 'semana'; }
  198. else { $semana_str = 'semanas'; }
  199. $echo = 'Hace '.floor($semana).' '.$semana_str;//Minutos
  200. }else { $echo = 'Hace '.date('n', $difference).' mes(es)'; }
  201. return $echo;
  202. }else{ return $a; }
  203. }else{ return 'A&uacute;n no te has conectado'; }
  204. }
  205. public function RankName($a){
  206. $a = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT name FROM ranks WHERE id = '{$a}' LIMIT 1"));
  207. return $a['name'];
  208. }
  209. public function UpdateProfile($a, $b, $u){
  210. $a = $this->filter($a);
  211. $b = $this->filter($b);
  212. $u = $this->filter($u);
  213. mysql_query("UPDATE users SET profile_bg = '{$a}', profile_image = '{$b}' WHERE username = '{$u}'");
  214. }
  215. public function Username_check($a){
  216. $a = $this->filter($a);
  217. $filter = preg_replace("/[^a-z\d\-=\?!@:\.]/i", "", $a);
  219. if($a !== $filter || strlen($a) < 2 || strlen($a) > 32){ $error = "Insertaste un nombre iv&aacute;lido</div>"; }
  220. elseif($this->userExist($a)){ $error = "Ese nombre ya esta en uso"; }
  221. return $error;
  222. }
  223. public function Emails_check($a, $b){
  224. $a = $this->filter($a); // Email 1
  225. $b = $this->filter($b); // Email 2
  226. $email_check = preg_match("/^[a-z0-9_\.-]+@([a-z0-9]+([\-]+[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,7}$/i", $a);
  227. # EMAIL CHECK #
  228. if($email_check !== 1){ $error = "Insertaste un email inv&aacute;lido"; }
  229. elseif($this->userExist($a)){ $error = "Ese email ya esta en uso"; }
  230. elseif($a !== $b){ $error = "Tus emails no coinciden"; }
  231. return $error;
  232. }
  233. public function Password_Check($a, $b){
  234. $a = $this->filter($a); // pass 1
  235. $b = $this->filter($b); // pass 2
  237. if(strlen($a) < 6 || strlen($a) > 32){ $error = "Escribiste una contrase&ntilde;a inv&aacute;lida (debe tener m&aacute;s de 6 caracteristicas)";}
  238. elseif($a !== $b){ $error = "Tus contraseñas no coinciden"; }
  239. return $error;
  240. }
  242. }
  243. ?>

Mod: Obligatorio el uso de etiquetas GeSHi. Temas sobre PHP van al subforo de PHP.
3  Programación / PHP / Error con formulario en: 12 Septiembre 2015, 00:16 am
Buenas, soy un user nuevo, y necesito vuestra ayuda ya que al foro que voy está caído, como cosa rara, tengo un código el cual quiero que si dejan un campo vacío salga error, pero lo pruebo y en vez de salir el mensaje, no sale nada, acá el código.

  1. <?php
  2. $html = true;
  3. require_once '../includes/core.php';
  4. $function->session("yes");
  5. $function->hk_access();
  6. $page = "2";
  7. $page_name = "Ajustes";
  8. $tinymce = true;
  9. require_once 'templates/navi.php';
  11. $newsid = $function->filter($_GET['username']);
  12. if($_GET['do'] == "created"){
  13. $name = $function->filter($_POST['username']);
  14. $credits = $function->filternews($_POST['credits']);
  15. $vip_points = $function->filternews($_POST['vip_points']);
  16. $motto = $function->filter($_POST['motto']);
  17. $staff_pin = $function->filternews($_POST['staff_pin']);
  18. $referidos = $function->filternews($_POST['referidos']);
  19. $real_name = $function->filter($_POST['real_name']);
  20. $mail = $function->filter($_POST['mail']);
  22. //CHECKS
  23. $name_check = $function->name_check($name);
  24. $credits_check = $function->credits_check($credits);
  25. $vip_points_check = $function->vip_points_check($vip_points);
  26. $motto_check = $function->motto_check($motto);
  27. $staff_pin_check = $function->staff_pin_check($staff_pin);
  28. $referidos_check = $function->referidos_check($referidos);
  29. $real_name_check = $function->real_name_check($real_name);
  30. $mail_check = $function->mail_check($mail);
  31. if(empty($name) || empty($credits) || empty($vip_points) || empty($motto) || empty($staff_pin) || empty($referidos) || empty($real_name) || empty($mail)){ $message = "No has rellenado todos los campos."; }
  33. //fin de checks
  35. mysql_query("UPDATE users SET credits = '{$credits}', vip_points = '{$vip_points}', motto = '{$motto}', staff_pin = '{$staff_pin}', referidos = '{$referidos}', real_name = '{$real_name}', mail = '{$mail}' WHERE username = '{$name}'");
  36. $message = "<div id=\"good\">Cambios efectuados correctamente <img src=\"". PATH_I ."/manage/images/check.gif\"></div> ";
  37. $_SESSION['RESULT_HK'] = $message;
  38. }
  41. ?>
  1. <div id="column_2">
  3. <div id="box">
  4. <div class="box_title blue">Creando una noticia</div>
  5. <div class="in_box">
  7. <form action="<?php echo PATH_HK; ?>/credits.php?do=created" method="post" name="theAdminForm" id="theAdminForm">
  9. <table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' align='center' border='0'>
  10. <tr>
  11. <td class='tablerow1'  width='40%'  valign='middle'><b>Usuario</b><div class='graytext'></div></td>
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  15. <tr>
  16. <td class='tablerow1'  width='40%'  valign='middle'><b>Creditos</b><div class='graytext'></div></td>
  17. <td class='tablerow2'  width='60%'  valign='middle'><input type='text' name='credits' size='30' class='textinput'></td>
  18. </tr>
  20. <tr>
  21. <td class='tablerow1'  width='40%'  valign='middle'><b>Puntos</b><div class='graytext'></div></td>
  22. <td class='tablerow2'  width='60%'  valign='middle'><input type='text' name='vip_points' size='30' class='textinput'></td>
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  27. <td class='tablerow2'  width='60%'  valign='middle'><input type='text' name='motto' size='30' class='textinput'></td>
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  31. <td class='tablerow1' width='40%' valign='middle'><b>Pin de seguridad</b><div class='graytext'></div></td>
  32. <td class='tablerow2'  width='60%'  valign='middle'><input type='text' name='staff_pin' size='30' class='textinput'></td>
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  36. <td class='tablerow1' width='40%' valign='middle'><b>Referidos</b><div class='graytext'></div></td>
  37. <td class='tablerow2'  width='60%'  valign='middle'><input type='text' name='referidos' size='30' class='textinput'></td>
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  46. <td class='tablerow1' width='40%' valign='middle'><b>Email</b><div class='graytext'></div></td>
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