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1  Programación / Ingeniería Inversa / Re: [TUTORIAL] Insertando la VM de VB6 en un EXE en: 13 Mayo 2019, 05:56 am

I'm not sure why you get that error. Maybe it's an incompatibility with the OS. You can try running the program in Windows 7 or even XP to check that.

Thank for reply.
actually i'm running vb6 on XP SP3.

Also, you could do all that in VB, but you'll have to study the PE format deeply and add a lot of code to perform the same thing.

it's really hard for me to do all that in vb6, but i thought somebody did it so may i get some help.

Thank you
2  Programación / Ingeniería Inversa / Re: [TUTORIAL] Insertando la VM de VB6 en un EXE en: 12 Mayo 2019, 17:44 pm
gracias por el tutorial
Tengo un problema en:

ReDim fixuptable(counter).Offsets(1 To (fixuphead.BlockSize - 8) / 2)
ReDim fixuptable(counter).Types(1 To (fixuphead.BlockSize - 8) / 2)

out of memory

¿podemos hacer todos los pasos con vb6 solo sin usar ollydbg o LordPE?
Lo siento no hablo español

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