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Programación => Scripting => Mensaje iniciado por: SmartGenius en 1 Agosto 2010, 00:58 am

Título: [Batch Game] The Labyrinth - usando COLOUS
Publicado por: SmartGenius en 1 Agosto 2010, 00:58 am
Tal como le habia dicho a Bolivianito que haria, este juego es una demostracion de uso del comando COLOUS creado por el, para la implementacion de un Juego Batch simple, usando el sistema de coordenadas mio :P


  1. @Echo off
  2. @title The Labyrinth - SmartGenius
  3. Mode con cols=45 lines=16
  4. Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  6. :: Batch Game - The Labyrinth
  7. :: Coded by SmartGenius
  8. :: Using Graphic Command (colous) by Bolivianito
  10. :Game_Vars
  11. Set /a "LimX=44","LimY=15","IniX=1","IniY=1","MovX=0","MovY=0","Points=0"
  12. Set "Bound=[8]$219"
  13. Set "Space=[0] "
  14. Set "Player=$001"
  15. Set "Point=[5]$207"
  16. Set "Exit=[10]$176"
  18. :Game_Init
  19. For /l %%a in (%IniX%,1,%LimX%) do (
  20. For /l %%b in (%IniY%,1,%LimY%) do (
  21. Set X%%aY%%b=%Space%))
  22. Call :Game_Level
  23. Call :Display
  24. Set "X14Y4=%Player%"
  25. Set Curpos=X14Y4
  26. Call :Color "%Player%" "12 0"
  27. Goto :Game_Move
  29. :Display
  30. For /l %%d in (%IniX%,1,%LimY%) do (
  31. Set Lin_%%d=
  32. For /l %%e in (%IniX%,1,%LimX%) do Set Lin_%%d=!Lin_%% style="color: #448888;">d!!X%%eY%%d!)
  33. For /l %%f in (%IniY%,1,%LimY%) do (Colous Writesec "!Lin_%% style="color: #448888;">f!")
  34. Goto :Eof
  36. :Game_Move
  37. Colous Readkey
  38. If "%ErrorLevel%"=="100" (call :Mov "X" "+")
  39. If "%ErrorLevel%"=="97" (call :Mov "X" "-")
  40. If "%ErrorLevel%"=="115" (call :Mov "Y" "+")
  41. If "%ErrorLevel%"=="119" (call :Mov "Y" "-")
  42. If "%ErrorLevel%"=="88" (Goto :Win)
  43. If "%ErrorLevel%"=="120" (Goto :Win)
  44. Goto :Game_Move
  46. :Mov
  47. For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%CurPos%") do (Set "MovX=%%p"&Set "MovY=%%q")
  48. if "!Mov% style="color: #448888;">~1!"=="!Lim% style="color: #448888;">~1!" Goto :Eof
  49. Set /a Mov%~1%~2=1
  50. Set "NMovY=!X%MovX%Y%MovY%!"
  51. If Defined S_X%MovX%Y%MovY% (Set "S_X%MovX%Y%MovY%="&Set /a Points+=10)
  52. If "!NMovY!"=="% style="color: #448888;">Bound%" (Goto :Eof)
  53. If "!NMovY!"=="% style="color: #448888;">Exit%" (Goto :Win)
  54. If "!NMovY!"=="% style="color: #448888;">Point%" (Set /a Points+=5)
  55. Set "X%MovX%Y%MovY%=%Player%"
  56. Set "%CurPos%=%Space%"
  57. Call :Color "A" "0 0"
  58. Set "CurPos=X%MovX%Y%MovY%"
  59. Call :Color "%Player%" "12 0"
  60. Goto :Eof
  62. :Color
  63. For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%CurPos%") do (Set "ColX=%%p"&Set "ColY=%%q")
  64. Colous %~2 %ColX%,%ColY% %~1
  65. Colous Cursoroff
  66. Goto :Eof
  68. :Win
  69. Cls
  70. If %Points% GEQ 200 (Echo. Excelent %Nick%, You Get 3 Extra Lives&Set /a Lives+=3)
  71. If %Points% GEQ 150 (If %Points% LEQ 195 (Echo. Well Done %Nick%, You Get 2 Extra Lives&Set /a Lives+=2))
  72. If %Points% GEQ 100 (If %Points% LEQ 145 (Echo. You Did it %Nick%, You Get 1 Extra Live&Set /a Lives+=1))
  73. If %Points% LSS 100 (Echo. Level Completed %Nick%, No Lives Won)
  74. Echo. You Get %Points% Points
  75. Echo. Press any key...
  76. Pause>nul
  77. Goto :Eof
  79. :Game_Level
  80. For %%a in (X7Y10,X8Y6,X9Y2,X9Y6,X9Y14,X10Y14,X13Y8,X18Y6,X18Y10,X18Y12,X20Y12,X23Y9,X27Y7,X29Y2,X38Y10,X41Y6,X43Y14) do (
  81. Set "%%a=%Point%")
  82. For %%a in (
  83. X1Y1,X1Y2,X1Y3,X1Y4,X1Y5,X1Y6,X1Y7,X1Y8,X1Y9,X1Y10,X1Y11,X1Y12,X1Y13,X2Y1,X2Y3,X2Y8,
  84. X2Y10,X2Y13,X3Y1,X3Y3,X3Y5,X3Y8,X3Y13,X4Y1,X4Y3,X4Y5,X4Y7,X4Y8,X4Y10,X4Y11,X4Y13,
  85. X5Y1,X5Y3,X5Y5,X5Y11,X5Y13,X5Y14,X5Y15,X6Y1,X6Y5,X6Y9,X6Y11,X6Y15,X7Y1,X7Y3,X7Y5,
  86. X7Y6,X7Y7,X7Y11,X7Y15,X8Y1,X8Y3,X8Y7,X8Y9,X8Y10,X8Y11,X8Y12,X8Y13,X8Y15,X9Y1,X9Y3,
  87. X9Y7,X9Y13,X9Y15,X10Y1,X10Y2,X10Y3,X10Y4,X10Y5,X10Y6,X10Y7,X10Y8,X10Y9,X10Y10,X10Y11,
  88. X10Y13,X10Y15,X11Y1,X11Y2,X11Y9,X11Y13,X11Y14,X11Y15,X12Y2,X12Y4,X12Y5,X12Y7,X12Y9,
  89. X12Y13,X13Y2,X13Y4,X13Y5,X13Y7,X13Y9,X13Y11,X13Y13,X14Y2,X14Y5,X14Y7,X14Y8,X14Y9,
  90. X14Y11,X14Y13,X14Y14,X14Y15,X15Y2,X15Y3,X15Y4,X15Y5,X15Y9,X15Y11,X15Y15,X16Y3,X16Y11,
  91. X16Y13,X16Y15,X17Y3,X17Y5,X17Y6,X17Y7,X17Y8,X17Y11,X17Y12,X17Y13,X17Y15,X18Y3,X18Y5,
  92. X18Y7,X18Y11,X18Y15,X19Y1,X19Y2,X19Y3,X19Y5,X19Y7,X19Y8,X19Y9,X19Y10,X19Y11,X19Y12,
  93. X19Y13,X19Y14,X19Y15,X20Y1,X20Y5,X20Y8,X20Y13,X20Y15,X21Y1,X21Y5,X21Y8,X21Y11,X21Y12,
  94. X21Y13,X21Y15,X22Y1,X22Y3,X22Y4,X22Y5,X22Y6,X22Y8,X22Y9,X22Y13,X22Y15,X23Y1,X23Y8,
  95. X23Y11,X23Y13,X23Y15,X24Y1,X24Y2,X24Y3,X24Y5,X24Y6,X24Y7,X24Y8,X24Y11,X24Y13,X24Y15,
  96. X25Y1,X25Y2,X25Y5,X25Y11,X25Y13,X25Y15,X26Y1,X26Y4,X26Y5,X26Y6,X26Y7,X26Y8,X26Y9,
  97. X26Y10,X26Y11,X26Y13,X26Y15,X27Y1,X27Y6,X27Y9,X27Y13,X27Y15,X28Y1,X28Y2,X28Y3,X28Y4,
  98. X28Y6,X28Y7,X28Y9,X28Y11,X28Y12,X28Y13,X28Y15,X29Y1,X29Y4,X29Y6,X29Y9,X29Y13,X29Y15,
  99. X30Y1,X30Y2,X30Y4,X30Y6,X30Y8,X30Y9,X30Y11,X30Y13,X30Y15,X31Y2,X31Y4,X31Y6,X31Y9,
  100. X31Y11,X31Y15,X32Y2,X32Y4,X32Y6,X32Y7,X32Y9,X32Y11,X32Y12,X32Y13,X32Y14,X32Y15,X33Y2,
  101. X33Y4,X33Y9,X33Y13,X34Y2,X34Y4,X34Y6,X34Y7,X34Y8,X34Y9,X34Y11,X34Y13,X35Y2,X35Y4,
  102. X35Y11,X35Y13,X35Y14,X35Y15,X36Y1,X36Y2,X36Y4,X36Y6,X36Y7,X36Y8,X36Y9,X36Y11,X36Y15,
  103. X37Y1,X37Y4,X37Y9,X37Y10,X37Y11,X37Y13,X37Y15,X38Y1,X38Y3,X38Y4,X38Y6,X38Y7,X38Y9,
  104. X38Y11,X38Y13,X38Y15,X39Y1,X39Y3,X39Y7,X39Y9,X39Y11,X39Y12,X39Y13,X39Y15,X40Y1,X40Y3,
  105. X40Y5,X40Y7,X40Y9,X40Y13,X40Y15,X41Y1,X41Y3,X41Y4,X41Y5,X41Y7,X41Y9,X41Y11,X41Y15,
  106. X42Y1,X42Y5,X42Y6,X42Y7,X42Y9,X42Y10,X42Y11,X42Y12,X42Y14,X42Y15,X43Y1,X43Y2,X43Y3,
  107. X43Y9,X43Y12,X43Y15,X44Y3,X44Y4,X44Y5,X44Y6,X44Y7,X44Y8,X44Y9,X44Y12,X44Y13,X44Y14,X44Y15
  108. ) do (Set "%%a=%Bound%")
  109. For %%a in (X2Y2,X2Y7,X2Y9,X16Y12,X18Y8,X20Y2,X20Y9,X25Y6,X26Y2,X36Y10,X40Y4,X41Y10) do (Set S_%%a=%Point%)
  110. For %%a in (X20Y14) do (Set "%%a=%Exit%")
  111. Goto :Eof

Lo pueden jugar usando las clasicas teclas de WASD, el objetivo es llegar a la salida y lograr la mayor cantidad de puntos.El Juego es un Easter Egg del WarGame Batch para poder obtener mas vidas, solo hice la adaptacion para poder usar el comando COLOUS de bolivianito.

Cualquier duda o comentario favor de hacerlos !

Saludos. :D

Título: Re: [Batch Game] The Labyrinth - usando COLOUS
Publicado por: DA KILLER en 2 Agosto 2010, 17:52 pm
Estaría bueno que dejases el link al comando ese smart, luego lo pruebo  :laugh: :laugh: ;-)

Título: Re: [Batch Game] The Labyrinth - usando COLOUS
Publicado por: Novlucker en 2 Agosto 2010, 17:56 pm


Título: Re: [Batch Game] The Labyrinth - usando COLOUS
Publicado por: FerJGS en 2 Agosto 2010, 21:04 pm
El juego sin duda promete pero...hay un pequeño fallo: NO ME FUNCIONA. ¿alguien sabe por qué es? me sale una carita roja sonriente y el _ de comando pero sin dejarme escribir anda. Tengo Windows XP, he visto que el tuyo es vista, = es por eso...