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[RUBY] SoundCloud Leecher v0.5 (Manten al día tu colección de música!)
« en: 15 Noviembre 2012, 13:29 pm »

SoundCloud Leecher v0.5
By Elektro H@cker

SoundCloud Leecher es una herramienta que te ayudará a mantener al día tu colección de música.

Esta utilidad está pensada para un uso (casi) diario o semanal.

El script obtiene todos los enlaces descargables de las primeras "X" páginas de "X" grupo de Soundcloud, y guarda esos enlaces en un archivo de texto para usarlos más tarde con un gestor de descargas como por ejemplo "JDownloader".

Además, todos los enlaces se listan también en un archivo log para que queden excluidos en el próximo uso del script, esa es la razón de porqué está pensado para el uso diario.

Es muy fácil de configurar.

Espero que a alguien más que a mi le sirva de ayuda. ::)

Un saludo!

Executable: http://exoshare.com/download.php?uid=OFGDPH4C

Soundcloud Leecher.rb:
  1. # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  4. # SoundCloud Leecher v0.5
  5. #
  6. # By Elektro H@cker
  9. # Description:
  10. # -----------
  11. #
  12. # SoundCloud Leecher it's a tool that helps you to keep updated your music collection.
  13. #
  14. # This tool is intended for (almost) daily use.
  15. #
  16. # The script retreives all the downloadable links of the first "X" pages from a "X" group of SoundCloud,
  17. # And then list the links into a text file for use it with a download magaer like "JDownloader".
  18. #
  19. # All the links are stored permanently into a log file to be excluded at the next use,
  20. # that's the reason why this tool is intended for daily use.
  23. # Info:
  24. # ----
  25. #
  26. # SoundCloud unfortunately do not have a date search mode,
  27. # which would be much easier to search/sort by "music style + today's date" than "groups + first sorted pages",
  28. # The site has an advanced search engine that can search by "release date" but that is not the same than "uploaded date",
  29. # So i think the only way to sort by date is by entering a group page because it shows the content sorted by the last date.
  32. # How to use:
  33. # ----------
  34. #
  35. # Configure your favorite groups and the other settings by entering into the configuration menu.
  38. require 'net/http'
  39. require 'win32/registry'
  40. require "highline/system_extensions"
  41. include HighLine::SystemExtensions
  44. exit if Object.const_defined?(:Ocra)
  47. def logo()
  48. puts "
  49.  _,  _, ,  , ,  , ,_   _ ,    _, ,  , ,_      ,    _, _, _ , ,  _,,_  
  50. (_  / \\ |  | |\\ | | \\ /  |   / \\ |  | | \\     |   /_,/_,/  |_| /_,|_)  
  51.  _) \\_/ \\__| | \\| |_/ \\_ |__ \\_/ \\__| |_/     |__ \\_ \\_ \\_ | | \\_ | \\  
  52. '          `    `       `           `           '   `  `  `' `   `'  
  53.                                                                  v0.5
  54. By Elektro H@cker"
  55. end
  58. def main()
  59. puts "\n\n[+] Press \"C\" to config or press any other key to start leeching..."
  60. key = get_character
  61. config("") if key.to_s =~ /^67$|^99$/
  62. get_downloads_list()
  63. puts "\n\n\n[+] All links are stored in: #{$leecherfile}"
  64. end
  67. def get_settings()
  68. begin
  69. $logfile = regread("LOGFILEPATH")
  70. rescue
  71. $logfile = "#{ENV['WINDIR']}\\Soundcloud LOG.txt"
  72. end
  74. begin
  75. $leecherfile = regread("LEECHERFILEPATH") +  "Soundcloud Leecher #{Time.new.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}.txt"
  76. rescue
  77. $leecherfile = "#{ENV['USERPROFILE']}\\Desktop\\Soundcloud Leecher #{Time.new.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}.txt"
  78. end
  80. begin
  81. $groups = regread("GROUPS")
  82. rescue
  83. $groups = ""
  84. end
  86. begin
  87. $max_pages = regread("MAXPAGES")
  88. $max_pages = $max_pages.to_i
  89. rescue
  90. $max_pages = 5
  91. end
  93. begin
  94. $min_duration = regread("MINDURATION")+"00"
  95. $min_duration = $min_duration.to_i
  96. rescue
  97. $min_duration = 130
  98. end
  100. begin
  101. $max_duration = regread("MAXDURATION")+"00"
  102. $max_duration = $max_duration.to_i
  103. rescue
  104. $max_duration = 1200
  105. end
  107. begin
  108. $max_size = regread("MAXSIZE")+"00"
  109. $max_size = $max_size.to_i
  110. rescue
  111. $max_size = 10000
  112. end
  114. begin
  115. $excluded_exts = regread("EXCLUDED EXTENSIONS")
  116. rescue
  117. $excluded_exts = ""
  118. end
  120. begin
  121. $excluded_tags = regread("EXCLUDED TAGNAMES")
  122. rescue
  123. $excluded_tags = ""
  124. end
  126. begin
  127. $verbose = regread("VERBOSEMODE")
  128. rescue
  129. $verbose = "no"
  130. end
  132. end
  135. def config(errorcode)
  137. puts "
  138. º---------------------------------º---------------------------------º
  139. | [1] Set the log file path       | [+] Max. track duration         |
  140. | [2] Set the leecher file path   | [-] Min. track duration         |
  141. | [3] Delete the log file         | [M] Max. track filesize         |
  142. |---------------------------------|---------------------------------|
  143. | [A] Add a group name            | [P] Pages per group to parse    |
  144. | [D] Delete a group name         | [F] Filetypes to exclude        |
  145. | [L] List the group names        | [T] Tagnames to exclude         |
  146. |---------------------------------|---------------------------------|
  147. | [V] Verbose mode (ON/OFF)       | [S] Show the current settings   |
  148. |---------------------------------| [R] Reset the settings          |
  149. | [E] Exit                        | [Z] Backup all the config.      |
  150. º---------------------------------º---------------------------------º
  152. "
  153. get_settings()
  154. puts errorcode
  156. keystr = "NOTHING"
  157. until keystr =~ /^43$|^45$|^49$|^50$|^51$|^65$|^68$|^69$|^70$|^76$|^77$|^80$|^82$|^83$|^84$|^86$|^90$|^97$|^100$|^101$|^102$|^108$|^109$|^112$|^114$|^115$|^116$|^118$|^121$|^122$/
  158. print "\nChoose an option >> "
  159. key = get_character
  160. keystr = key.to_s
  161. end
  163. # Log file path
  164. if key == 49
  165. logfilepath = "NOTHING"
  166. until File.directory?(logfilepath)
  167. print "\n\nEnter the path to an existing directory for the logfile: "
  168. logfilepath = STDIN.gets.chomp
  169. end
  170. if logfilepath[-1] == '\\' then logfilepath = logfilepath[0..-2] end
  171. regwrite("LOGFILEPATH", logfilepath + "\\Soundcloud LOG.txt")
  172. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  173. end
  175. # Leecher file path
  176. if key == 50
  177. leecherfile = "NOTHING"
  178. until File.directory?(leecherfile)
  179. print "\n\Enter the path to an existing directory for the leecher file: "
  180. leecherfile = STDIN.gets.chomp
  181. end
  182. if not leecherfile[-1] == '\\' then leecherfile = leecherfile+"\\" end
  183. regwrite("LEECHERFILEPATH", leecherfile)
  184. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  185. end
  187. # delete log file
  188. if key == 51
  189. filedel = "NOTHING"
  190. while not filedel =~ /^78$|^89$|^110$|^121$/
  191. print "\n\nWant to delete the log file, Are you sure? [Y/N]: "
  192. filedel = get_character.to_s
  193. end
  194. begin
  195. if filedel =~ /^89$|^121$/ then File.delete($logfile) end
  196. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  197. rescue
  198. config("\n\nERROR\n\nCan't find the logfile.")
  199. end
  200. end
  202. # Add groupname
  203. if key == 65 or key == 97
  204. addname = "NOTHING"
  205. until not addname == "NOTHING"
  206. print "\n\nEnter a group name to add\nor enter the word \"none\" to reset the group list: "
  207. addname = STDIN.gets.chomp
  208. end
  209. begin
  210. groups=regread("GROUPS")
  211. rescue
  212. groups=""
  213. end
  215. for addgroupname in regread("GROUPS").split(";").sort do
  216. if not addgroupname =~ /^#{Regexp.escape(addname)}$/i then addfinalgroups="#{addfinalgroups};#{addgroupname}" else found = "yes" end
  217. end
  218. if found == "yes" then config("\n\n[+] ERROR\n\nThe groupname already exists.") end
  219. if addname =~ /^none$/i then regwrite("GROUPS", "") else regwrite("GROUPS", "#{groups};#{addname}") end
  220. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  221. end
  223. # delete groupname
  224. if key == 68 or key == 100
  225. delnum = "NOTHING"
  226. num=0
  227. for listname in $groups.split(";").each.sort do
  228. num=num+1
  229. puts " [#{num}] #{listname}"
  230. instance_variable_set "@_#{num}", listname
  231. end
  232. until not delnum == "NOTHING"
  233. print "\n\nEnter a reference number to delete the group\nor enter the word \"none\" to reset the group list: "
  234. delnum = STDIN.gets.chomp
  235. end
  236. choose = instance_variable_get "@_#{delnum}"
  237. begin
  238. groups=regread("GROUPS")
  239. rescue
  240. groups=""
  241. end
  242. begin
  243. for delgroupname in regread("GROUPS").split(";").sort do
  244. if not delgroupname =~ /^#{Regexp.escape(choose)}$/i then delfinalgroups="#{delfinalgroups};#{delgroupname}" end
  245. end
  246. rescue
  247. config("\n\n[+] ERROR\n\nCan't find the delgroupname.")
  248. end
  249. regwrite("GROUPS", delfinalgroups[1..-1])
  250. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  251. end
  253. # list groupnames
  254. if key == 76 or key == 108
  255. num = 0
  256. puts "\n\n[+] All your groups:\n\n"
  257. for listname in $groups.split(";").each.sort do
  258. num=num+1
  259. puts " [#{num}] #{listname}"
  260. end
  261. puts "\n\n[+] Press any other key to continue..."
  262. get_character
  263.    config("[+] Operation completed.")
  264. end
  266. # Max pages
  267. if key == 80 or key == 112
  268. maxpages = "NOTHING"
  269. puts "\n\nThis option lets you configure the maximum pages when leeching a group..."
  270. until not maxpages[/[a-z]/i]
  271. print "\nEnter a number for the max pages value: "
  272. maxpages = STDIN.gets.chomp
  273. end
  274. regwrite("MAXPAGES", maxpages)
  275. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  276. end
  278. # Min track duration
  279. if key == 45
  280. puts "\n\nThis option lets you configure the minimum accepted minutes duration when leeching tracks..."
  281. minlenght = "NOTHING"
  282. until minlenght[/^[0-9]+$/]
  283. print "\nEnter a number to set the min. minutes for a track (Example: \"1\"): "
  284. minlenght = STDIN.gets.chomp
  285. end
  286. regwrite("MINDURATION", minlenght)
  287. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  288. end
  290. # Max track duration
  291. if key == 43
  292. puts "\n\nThis option lets you configure the maximum accepted minutes duration when leeching tracks..."
  293. maxlenght = "NOTHING"
  294. until maxlenght[/^[0-9]+$/]
  295. print "\nEnter a number to set the max. minutes for a track (Example: \"15\"): "
  296. maxlenght = STDIN.gets.chomp
  297. end
  298. regwrite("MAXDURATION", maxlenght)
  299. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  300. end
  302. # Max track filesize
  303. if key == 77 or key == 109
  304. puts "\n\nThis option lets you configure the maximum accepted filesize when leeching tracks..."
  305. maxsize = "NOTHING"
  306. until maxsize[/^[0-9]+$/]
  307. print "\nEnter a number to set the max. MB for a track (Example: \"20\"): "
  308. maxsize = STDIN.gets.chomp
  309. end
  310. regwrite("MAXSIZE", maxsize)
  311. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  312. end
  314. # exclude filetypes
  315. if key == 102 or key == 70
  316. addext = "NOTHING"
  317. puts "\n\nThis option lets you exclude tracks by their file extension..."
  318. until not addext == "NOTHING"
  320. print "\n\nEnter a file extension (Example: \"wav\") \nor enter the word \"none\" to reset the exclusions: "
  321. addext = STDIN.gets.chomp
  322. end
  323. begin
  324. exts=regread("EXCLUDED EXTENSIONS")
  325. rescue
  326. exts=""
  327. end
  328. if addext =~ /^none$/i then regwrite("EXCLUDED EXTENSIONS", "") else regwrite("EXCLUDED EXTENSIONS", "#{exts};#{addext.gsub(".","")}") end
  329. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  330. end
  332. # exclude tagnames
  333. if key == 84 or key == 116
  334. addtag = "NOTHING"
  335. puts "\n\nThis option lets you exclude tracks by a tagname..."
  336. until not addtag == "NOTHING"
  337. print "\n(The tagnames are not case sensitive)\n\nEnter a tagname (Example: \"session\") \nor enter the word \"none\" to reset the exclusions: "
  338. addtag = STDIN.gets.chomp
  339. end
  340. begin
  341. tags=regread("EXCLUDED TAGNAMES")
  342. rescue
  343. tags=""
  344. end
  345. if addtag =~ /^none$/i then regwrite("EXCLUDED TAGNAMES", "") else regwrite("EXCLUDED TAGNAMES", "#{tags};#{addtag}") end
  346. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  347. end
  349. # verbose mode
  350. if key == 118 or key == 86
  351. verbkey = "NOTHING"
  352. puts "\n\nThe verbose mode lets you can see more info when leeching the group pages..."
  353. while not verbkey =~ /^78$|^89$|^110$|^121$/
  354. print "\n\nWant to use the verbose mode? [Y/N]: "
  355. verbkey = get_character.to_s
  356. end
  357. if verbkey =~ /^89$|^121$/ then regwrite("VERBOSEMODE", "yes") else regwrite("VERBOSEMODE", "no") end
  358. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  359. end
  362. # show the current settings
  363. if key == 83 or key == 115
  364. config("
  366. Log file path       : #{$logfile}
  368. Leecher file path   : #{$leecherfile}
  370. Max. pages per group: #{$max_pages} pages
  372. Min. track duration : #{$min_duration.to_s[0..-3]} min
  374. Max. track duration : #{$max_duration.to_s[0..-3]} min
  376. Max. track filesize : #{$max_size.to_s[0..-3]} mb
  378. Verbose mode        : #{$verbose}
  380. Excluded extensions : #{$excluded_exts.gsub(";","|")}
  382. Excluded tagnames   : #{$excluded_tags.gsub(";","|")}
  384. ")
  385. end
  387. # reset the settings
  388. if key == 114 or key == 82
  389. resetkey = "NOTHING"
  390. while not resetkey =~ /^78$|^89$|^110$|^121$/
  391. print "\n(This not affect to group list)\n\nWant to reset all the settings, Are you sure? [Y/N]: "
  392. resetkey = get_character.to_s
  393. end
  394. if resetkey =~ /^89$|^121$/
  395. Win32::Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER.open("SOFTWARE\\Soundcloud Leecher\\", Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS) do |reg|
  396. reg['LOGFILEPATH'] = 'DELETE'
  397. reg.delete_value("LOGFILEPATH")
  399. reg.delete_value("LEECHERFILEPATH")
  400. reg['MAXPAGES'] = 'DELETE'
  401. reg.delete_value("MAXPAGES")
  402. reg['MINDURATION'] = 'DELETE'
  403. reg.delete_value("MINDURATION")
  404. reg['MAXDURATION'] = 'DELETE'
  405. reg.delete_value("MAXDURATION")
  406. reg['MAXSIZE'] = 'DELETE'
  407. reg.delete_value("MAXSIZE")
  408. reg['VERBOSEMODE'] = 'DELETE'
  409. reg.delete_value("VERBOSEMODE")
  411. reg.delete_value("EXCLUDED EXTENSIONS")
  413. reg.delete_value("EXCLUDED TAGNAMES")
  414. end
  415. config("[+] Operation completed.")
  416. end
  417. end
  419. # backup the settings
  420. if key == 90 or key == 122
  421. system %[ regedit /e \"%USERPROFILE%\\Desktop\\Soundcloud settings %DATE:/=-%.reg\" \"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Soundcloud Leecher\" ]
  422. config("\n\n[+] Settings stored in #{ENV['USERPROFILE']}\\Desktop\\SoundCloud settings.reg")
  423. end
  425. # exit
  426. if key == 69 or key == 101 then main() end
  428. end
  431. def regread(keyname)
  432. Win32::Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER.open("SOFTWARE\\Soundcloud Leecher\\") do |reg| reg[keyname] end
  433. end
  436. def regwrite(keyname, value)
  437. Win32::Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER.create("SOFTWARE\\Soundcloud Leecher\\") do |reg| reg[keyname, Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = value end
  438. end
  441. def filewrite()
  442. if not File.exist?($logfile) then File.open($logfile, "w") do |write| write.puts "SoundCloud leeched URLs\n" end end
  443. if not File.open($logfile, "r").read[@track_url.split("/download").first.split("http://soundcloud.com/").last.gsub("-","").gsub("/","")]
  444. if $verbose == "yes" then puts @info end
  445. File.open($logfile,     "a+") do |write| write.puts @track_url.split("/download").first.split("http://soundcloud.com/").last.gsub("-","").gsub("/","") end
  446. File.open($leecherfile, "a+") do |write| write.puts "Added at #{Time.new.strftime("%H:%M")}: #{@track_url}" end
  447. end
  448. end
  451. def get_downloads_list()
  453. if $verbose == "no"
  454. for name in $groups.split(";").each.sort do
  455. @group = name.chomp
  456. @page  = 0
  457. print "\n\n[+] Group: #{@group}\n[+] Leeching pages "
  458. for i in 1..$max_pages do
  459. @page = @page+1
  460. @url  = "http://soundcloud.com/groups/#{@group}/tracks?page=#{@page}"
  461. print "#{@page}/#{$max_pages}..."
  462. Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(@url)).body.each_line do |line|
  463. if (line['class="info-header"'])
  464. @filename = line.split('</a').first.split('>').last.gsub(/ Artwork$/,'').gsub('&quot;','"').gsub('&amp;','&')
  465. for excluded_tag in $excluded_tags.split(";").each do
  466. if not excluded_tag == "" and @filename[/#{Regexp.escape(excluded_tag)}/i] then @downloadable = "no" end
  467. end
  468. end
  469. if (line['button download']) then @downloadable = "yes" end
  470. if (line['button download']) then @track_url    = "http://soundcloud.com#{line.split('href="').last.split('"').first}\n" end
  471. if (line['This track is not downloadable']) then @downloadable = "no" end
  472. if (line['class="file-type"'])
  473. @ext = line.split('</').first.split('>').last
  474. for excluded_ext in $excluded_exts.split(";").each do
  475. if not excluded_ext == "" and @ext =~ /^#{Regexp.escape(excluded_ext)}$/i then @downloadable = "no" end
  476. end
  477. end
  478. if (line['class="content-size"'])
  479. @size         = line.split('</').first.split('>').last
  480. if @size.gsub(".","").to_i > $max_size then @downloadable = "no" end
  481. end
  482. if (line['class="duration"']) then @duration = line.split('</').first.split('>').last.gsub(".","").to_i end
  483. if (line['class="duration"']) and @downloadable == "yes" and @duration > $min_duration and @duration < $max_duration
  484. filewrite()
  485. end
  486. end
  487. end
  488. end
  489. end
  491. if $verbose == "yes"
  492. for name in $groups.split(";").each.sort do
  493. @group = name.chomp
  494. @page  = 0
  495. print "\n\n[+] Group: #{@group}\n[+] Leeching pages "
  496. for i in 1..$max_pages do
  497. @page = @page+1
  498. @url  = "http://soundcloud.com/groups/#{@group}/tracks?page=#{@page}"
  499. print "#{@page}/#{$max_pages}..."
  500. Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(@url)).body.each_line do |line|
  501. if (line['class="info-header"'])
  502. @filename = line.split('</a').first.split('>').last.gsub(/ Artwork$/,'').gsub('&quot;','"').gsub('&amp;','&')
  503. for excluded_tag in $excluded_tags.split(";").each do
  504. if not excluded_tag == "" and @filename[/#{Regexp.escape(excluded_tag)}/i] then @downloadable = "no" end
  505. end
  506. end
  507. if (line['button download']) then @downloadable = "yes" end
  508. if (line['button download']) then @track_url    = "http://soundcloud.com#{line.split('href="').last.split('"').first}\n" end
  509. if (line['This track is not downloadable']) then @downloadable = "no" end
  510. if (line['class="file-type"'])
  511. @ext = line.split('</').first.split('>').last
  512. for excluded_ext in $excluded_exts.split(";").each do
  513. if not excluded_ext == "" and @ext =~ /^#{Regexp.escape(excluded_ext)}$/i then @downloadable = "no" end
  514. end
  515. end
  516. if (line['class="content-size"'])
  517. @size         = line.split('</').first.split('>').last
  518. if @size.gsub(".","").to_i > $max_size then @downloadable = "no" end
  519. end
  520. if (line['class="duration"']) then @duration     = line.split('</').first.split('>').last end
  521. if (line['class="duration"']) and @downloadable == "yes" and @duration.gsub(".","").to_i > $min_duration and @duration.gsub(".","").to_i < $max_duration
  522. @info = "\n\nFilename : #{@filename} \nExtension: #{@ext} \nFilesize : #{@size}  \nDuration : #{@duration} minutes\nURL      : #{@track_url}\n"
  523. filewrite()
  524. end
  525. end
  526. end
  527. end
  528. end
  530. end
  533. logo()
  534. get_settings()
  535. main()
  538. __END__

« Última modificación: 17 Noviembre 2012, 08:26 am por EleKtro H@cker » En línea

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Re: [RUBY] SoundCloud Leecher v0.2 (Manten al día tu colección de música!)
« Respuesta #1 en: 15 Noviembre 2012, 15:12 pm »

Nueva versión.

Un saludo!

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Re: [RUBY] SoundCloud Leecher v0.2 (Manten al día tu colección de música!)
« Respuesta #2 en: 15 Noviembre 2012, 19:39 pm »

Nueva versión 0.3 !!

El script ya no es tán preconfigurado, es más personalizable y todo se lee desde el registro de Windows.

Un nuevo menú con varias opciones:

  • Añadir un grupo
  • Eliminar un grupo
  • Listar los grupos
  • Establecer la ruta del log
  • Establecer la ruta del archivo leecher
  • Eliminar el archivo log
  • Eliminar el el archivo leecher
  • Establecer el máximo número de páginas a parsear
  • Crear un backup de las opciones

PD: He añadido un executable en el comentario principal.

Un saludo!

« Última modificación: 15 Noviembre 2012, 19:41 pm por EleKtro H@cker » En línea

Ninja y
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Re: [RUBY] SoundCloud Leecher v0.3 (Manten al día tu colección de música!)
« Respuesta #3 en: 15 Noviembre 2012, 20:53 pm »

Tenemos que agregar el "Me gusta", así no hay necesidad de publicar :P

« Última modificación: 15 Noviembre 2012, 21:07 pm por Novlucker » En línea

Contribuye con la limpieza del foro, reporta los "casos perdidos" a un MOD XD
"Hay dos cosas infinitas: el Universo y la estupidez  humana. Y de la primera no estoy muy seguro."
Albert Einstein
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Re: [RUBY] SoundCloud Leecher v0.4 (Manten al día tu colección de música!)
« Respuesta #4 en: 16 Noviembre 2012, 13:30 pm »

Nueva versión 0.4

He añadido una opción para configurar la mínima y máxima duracion aceptada para las pistas de audio, por ejemplo para los que no queremos cojer las urls de sesiones de dj's que duran horas, etc...

un saludo
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Re: [RUBY] SoundCloud Leecher v0.4 (Manten al día tu colección de música!)
« Respuesta #5 en: 16 Noviembre 2012, 20:43 pm »

Excelente código gracias por compartirlo.  ;-)
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Re: [RUBY] SoundCloud Leecher v0.5 (Manten al día tu colección de música!)
« Respuesta #6 en: 17 Noviembre 2012, 08:44 am »

Excelente código gracias por compartirlo.  ;-)

Gracias me alegra que te haya gustado

Nueva versión 0.5

Bugs corregidos:
  • Las exclusiones por el máximo/mínimo duración de la pista no funcionaban correctamente

  • He optimizado el peso del archivo "log" para que pese la mitad.
  • Nueva opción para excluir pistas por su tamaño.
  • Nueva opción para excluir pistas por su extensión de archivo.
  • Nueva opción para excluir pistas por "tags" en el nombre del archivo.
  • Nueva opción para activar el modo verbose, para mostrar más información.
  • Otras nuevas opciones algo más técnicas...
  • Todas las opciones antiguas y nuevas se han mejorado en general tanto para que séa un entorno de configuración más agradable como para intentar evitar bugs.
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